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Re: Contacts wanted: OVH, DigitalOcean, and Microsoft (Deutschland)

From: "Jeff McAdams" <jeffm () iglou com>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2019 09:23:34 -0400 (EDT)

(Disclosure: I, too, work for DigitalOcean as the Manager of Network
Engineering.  Nikolas does not work for me, nor I for him.)

On Tue, March 19, 2019 02:17, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:

Nikolas Geyer <nik at> wrote:
I have passed your email on to the relevant team within DO to have a
look at.

Thank you, but that wasn't what I requested,  I asked for a contact

Oh, is that how this works?  I ask that you FedEx me a million dollars
cash, in small bills.  I await the arrival of said parcel.

In any case, I would be more than happy to have you tell me the "right
way" to engage with any actual live human beings at either of these
companies, especially if you also are able to identify one or more such
receptive individuals by name and email address, which is what I was
requesting in the first place.

Would you really be happy with that?  You derided another good-faith
respondent to your screed with a rant about not being willing to fill out
web forms to report abuse because it offends your sensibilities.

Nikolas brought your report to the attention of the relevant group at
DigitalOcean, we also have a link on the front page of to Report Abuse that goes directly to the
relevant group or groups responsible.  We respond to reports (even rude
ones) here on nanog and on other relevant industry mailing lists.

We would prefer, but don't require, that you use the web form because that
is integrated into the workflow of the groups that respond to those
reports.  If they choose to give you their individualized contact
information, then they can do that.  It is not my place, nor Nikolas', to
give out individual contact information for our co-workers out to anyone
who asks.  That would be irresponsible and obnoxious for us to do that.

Oh, and additionally, as an Australian citizen with many Aussie and
Kiwi colleagues working at DO of various religious persuasions; your
postscript relating this back to the recent terror attacks is abhorrent
and disgusting. You should be completely ashamed.

It's pretty clear to me that you have rather dramatically misread my
the aforementioned postscript to my earlier post, and that a fair and
clear-eyed reading of that should be quite entirely inoffensive to all,
with the possible exception of some few people who work in mass media
and/or the "news" business, such as it currently is.

As a caucasian American, born and raised in the US Midwest, I too was
offended by your postscript.  I would encourage you to take a step back,
and consider your rhetorical tactics and whether they are beneficial to
the community, or even to your own efforts.

Jeff McAdams
Manager of Network Engineering

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