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Re: Is WHOIS going to go away?

From: "Aaron C. de Bruyn via NANOG" <nanog () nanog org>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2018 21:04:04 +0000

"Wrong on several counts.  You can publicly access the records of who
owns every radio station, television station, and newspaper in the US and a
lot of other countries. "

You can't access their *sources* without a warrant.

You seem to be conflating private individuals with corporations.

"No one ever had the liberty of publishing information to the public
without accountability."

That's provably false.  I can type whatever I want, hit print, and scatter
it around town unobserved at 3 AM.

"The whole protecting you from the government point is nothing but a
straw man."

That's not what I'm advocating.  If whois disappeared entirely tomorrow, it
wouldn't protect me from government.  But it *would* protect me from crazy

"Do you really believe that ICANN will stand up to the world governments
if they ask for the data?"

Obviously not.  But there's nothing I can do about it except tell them to
come back with a warrant.

There *is* something I can do to help limit the ability of crazy nutjobs to
find out my information so they can visit my home and harass my family.

Anyways, I think this has rambled on long enough.


On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 1:55 PM Naslund, Steve <SNaslund () medline com> wrote: every other form of communication, the phrase "get a warrant" comes
to mind.
Except on the internet where we require the information to be public so
that anyone and their dog can view it without a warrant.

Wrong on several counts.  You can publicly access the records of who owns
every radio station, television station, and newspaper in the US and a lot
of other countries.  All of those organizations are REQUIRED by law to file
ownership statements. Every periodical published in the United States has a
block in it identifying the publisher.  Every book sold has a publisher
listed even if the author chooses to remain anonymous.  It is a violation
of the law for a telemarketer to call you without identifying themselves
(which is what we complain about with phone scammers).

Get a warrant only applies to communications (like your phone calls and
your personal Internet traffic) that have a reasonable expectation of
privacy.  If you are in the public square shouting to the world you have no
expectation of anonymity and you can actually be held responsible for false
statements about another individual.  A publicly accessible website’s
published pages would not have any expectation of privacy whatsoever.
Besides we are talking about identification of ownership of a
communications site not the communications going through it.  Just because
I have your WHOIS data does not mean I have root access to your server.
 The government needs a warrant to listen to your phone calls but not to
know you have a phone and where it is.   We are not letting people monitor
your traffic through WHOIS, we are only identifying who is responsible for
all communications coming from that site.

Another point is that “get a warrant” does not apply in totalitarian
countries in any case.  Try saying get a warrant in North Korean or China.
Pretty moot point there.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

No one ever had the liberty of publishing information to the public
without accountability.  There are tons of laws protecting you from false
statements and communications intended to harm your reputation or damage
your business.

You are giving up an essential liberty here which is knowing who is saying
what about you.  Do you not want the right to know the sources of
information presented to the public?  Do you think I should be able to post
anything I want about you in the public square without accountability?  Can
I put up a billboard criticizing you personally and keep my identity a
complete secret?  Might it be nice to know that the source of political
news might have an axe to grind or an ideological bent, would you like to
know that the news story you just read was actually from an opposition
candidate?  Are we not making a huge deal about Russia messing around with
elections and trolling?  How would you ever know that was going on with no
accountability of the source of information?

The whole protecting you from the government point is nothing but a straw
man.  There is no nation state that does not have enough resources to
recover that information from you or your communications carrier.  Even if
your traffic is encrypted, it is trivial to figure out who is posting to
social media or underground websites via other intelligence or simple
traffic analysis.  They can deny their entire populations access to just
about any communications media they like.  Most of them don’t because it is
actually a more lucrative source of intelligence than a threat.  If you are
a dissident I might be better off leaving you on the Internet and trying to
map your network of people even though it would be easy to just interrupt
your comms.

From a technical perspective, the domain naming system and Internet
addressing system are assets you do not own.  They are assigned to you and
are considered a type of resource under quasi governmental control.  If you
keep WHOIS data secret all you are really doing is keeping the public out
and the government in.  Do you really believe that ICANN will stand up to
the world governments if they ask for the data?   If so, you probably also
believe that the UN is effective at keeping the world at peace.

Steven Naslund
Chicago IL

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