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RE: Some advice on IPv6 planning and ARIN request, please

From: "Aaron Gould" <aaron1 () gvtc com>
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2017 13:30:56 -0500

Hi Oliver, et al, I recall from when I attended an ARIN on the Road meeting in Austin last year ( ), that the folks at ARIN seemed to be open to discussing with you about getting the 
right size address space into your hands for what you needed to accomplish....within reason...and within justification. 
 I won't speak for ARIN, but I just seem to remember that they were open to talking about it.  I don't recall if you 
said you have actually had dialogue with ARIN about getting the "right" amount of address space to accomplish what you 
are looking to do.  If not, please reach out to them.  They've always been helpful and responsive when I've discussed 
IPv4 and also now, v6 with them.

Also, I recall in a v6 online class I did that one point that was made was to not take too much time analyzing, but to 
get moving with v6.  I think Lee just said you should plan on readdressing a few times.  Ok, fine.  I see that as being 
possible.  You live and you learn.  I did find myself last year and earlier this year spending A LOT of time going over 
and over and over again, the "best" way to carve up my /32 of v6 addresses with fellow engineers.  We stopped talking 
about it for a while... then I came back recently and said guys we gotta settle on something and go for it !  Well, we 
did and I'm glad.  I'm not saying be willy nilly about your v6 space, but settle on something sensible and go for it... 
then be open to course correcting along the way, and readdress where you must.  I've dual staked a few of my cdn public 
caches, and am talking about dual-stacking 7,000 DSL customers that are currently doing NAT444.

v6 is fairly early in my deployment and going fine so far.  Btw, I will add that I love my 6VPE.  Dang MPLS xVPN's make 
my life so nice and manageable.  You geniuses out there that invent technology are incredible.  Keep it up.

-Aaron Gould  

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