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Re: Waste will kill ipv6 too

From: Jimmy Hess <mysidia () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2017 08:50:06 -0600

On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 3:57 PM, Mark Andrews <marka () isc org> wrote:

25B  estimate for earth's carrying capacity for humans is likely on the
high side,
but sure: IPv6  should suffice  until  we have a few planets' worth of
and require an  interstellar   IP network  with end-to-end  comms between
remote device in our galaxy cluster  ---   and may have to fallback to
planetary NAT or LISP  for some applications.

Something  should probably go into some FAQ at some point.....

"Q:   IPv6 could still run out of addresses / Waste  will kill ipv6 too  /

"A:   No,  although there is an occasional point of confusion regarding
IPv6 that we
will still run out of addresses:  that is a highly-improbable event:
please see list archives.

From evaluation of the arithmetic, there is not a reasonable forecast model
that can be
made that would start from realistic assumptions  about network growth and
could come to the conclusion that depletion of IPv6  would be a possibility
under  current regional registry allocation policies based on justified
even allocating up to a couple  dedicated  /48s  per  person  up to the
expected maximum population capacities of earth....


When the IETF decided on 128 bit addresses it was taking into consideration
/80 sized subnet.  Prior to that it was looking at a 64 bit address size
and allocating addresses the IPv4 way with lots of variable sized
networks.  This was changed to /64 subnets to accomodate 64 bit MAC.  After
that there was discussion about how many subnet should be enough for 99.99%
of sites which gave /48 per site using /64 sized network.  That
281474976710656 sites or 35184372088832 out of the /3 we are currently
allocating from.

Now there are very few sites that need 65536 subnets and those that do can
request additional /48’s.

Now if you assume the earth’s population will get to 25B, and every person
is a site, that still leaves 35159372088832 sites.
And if each of those people also has a home and a vehicle, that still
leaves 35109372088832 sites.

Handing out /48’s to homes was never ever going to cause us to run out of
IPv6 space.  Even if the homes are are connected to multiple providers
there isn’t a issue.


On 21 Dec 2017, at 7:57 am, William Herrin <bill () herrin us> wrote:

On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 1:48 PM, Mel Beckman <mel () beckman org> wrote:

I won’t do the math for you, but you’re circumcising the mosquito here.
didn’t just increase our usable space by 2 orders of magnitude. It’s
increased more than 35 orders of magnitude.

Hi Mel,

The gain is just shy of 29 orders of magnitude. 2^128 / 2^32 = 7.9*10^28.

There are 2^128 = 3.4*10^38 IPv6 addresses, but that isn't 38 "orders of
magnitude." Orders of magnitude describes a difference between one thing
and another, in this case the IPv4 and IPv6 address spaces.

Using a /64 for P2P links is no problem, really. Worrying about that is
like a scuba diver worrying about how many air molecules are surrounding
the boat on the way out to sea.

It's not a problem, exactly, but it cuts the gain vs. IPv4 from ~29
of magnitude to just 9 orders of magnitude. Your link which needed at
2 bits of IPv4 address space now consumes 64 bits of IPv6 address space.

Then we do /48s from which the /64s are assigned and we lose another 3 or
so orders of magnitude... Sparsely allocate those /48s for another order
magnitude. From sparsely allocated ISP blocks for another order of
magnitude. It slips away faster than you might think.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin ................ herrin () dirtside com  bill () herrin us
Dirtside Systems ......... Web: <>

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742              INTERNET: marka () isc org

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