nanog mailing list archives

Re: NANOG67 - Tipping point of community and sponsor bashing?

From: Hank Nussbacher <hank () efes iucc ac il>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2016 08:25:04 +0300

On 14/06/2016 20:49, Randy Bush wrote:
the O in nanog is operator, not sponsor, panderer, suck up, ...  we're
spending millions for half debugged underperforming crap and we are
cornered by infrastructure providers (e.g. ixps) who run us over time
and again if it makes an extra penny.

I am not at NANOG67 and am following this issue remotely.  Excuse me if I am getting this all wrong.  Dave shows a 
slide that LINX made $2.3M profit and AMS-IX made $4.1M last year and Randy states "that the IXPs run us over to make 
an extra penny"?  

Would we prefer that Level3 which reported profits of $122M operate the IXPs instead?  Or perhaps NTT with $4.7B in 
profits in 2015?

The Internet is no longer a volunteer operation run out of a few CS departments in major universities.  If an IXP makes 
$4M of profit - good for them.  I'd rather have each of these IXPs not only secure from cyber attacks but also secure 

To all IXPs that keep the bits flowing - keep up the good work.  Kudos!


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