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Re: Supporting network time software development/maintenance (was: Re: BCOP appeals numbering scheme -- feedback requested)

From: Harlan Stenn <stenn () ntp org>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2015 21:59:55 +0000

Rob Seastrom writes:
New subject so as to minimize threadjacking, not the least because
this is important stuff.

Harlan Stenn <stenn () ntp org> writes:

Releng is hard and thankless but adds enormous value and
serves as a forcing function for some level of review, cursory though
it may be.

I think so too.

Hey everybody, please support Network Time.  Spread the word.  OK, I
said it.

The check, as we say, is in the mail (literally).

Very  much appreciated!

I wish I'd known about Network Time Foundation before you and I
started corresponding a little over a week ago about GPS cores.

Harlan Stenn <stenn () ntp org> - be a member!

NANOG colleagues, I know it can be hard getting the employer to pony
up for organizations like this, but if correct timestamps in your logs
and being able to correlate your packet captures are something you
find personally valuable and sanity-preserving, you might consider an
individual membership.  I know it's pretty important to me...

And Sue Graves is working with NTF to help with all of this, so if there
is anything we can do to help show value to your employers please let
her know.

The individual donations are great - they've quickly added a bit over 2
weeks' time to the "financial clock" regarding my "full time" efforts
(apparently my definition of full time is a bit unusual).  Please help
keep those coming in.

it's going to take Institutional members to provide the more significant
resources NTF needs to bring the bigger goals on-line, things like even
faster NTP development, completing Ntimed, getting the General Timestamp
API spec'd and implemented, and our Certification and Compliance
programs operational:

We've heard from some institutions that they'll be joining us, but
nothing has happened there yet.

Thanks a bunch, folks!

Please keep spreading the word.
Harlan Stenn <stenn () ntp org> - be a member!

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