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Re: IPv6 Ignorance

From: Cameron Byrne <cb.list6 () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 07:02:07 -0700

On Sep 17, 2012 5:04 AM, "Tom Limoncelli" <tal () whatexit org> wrote:

My biggest fear is that statements like this will take on a life of their

" I can dual stack, then I am not out of IPv4 addresses, and thus I
have no need for IPv6. If I'm out of IPv4 then I need IPv6 and I can't
dual stack."

Not true but it certainly sounds logical to the average person.

What creates this impression is that there is no "deadline".  The IPv4
-> Dual Stack -> pure IPv6 transition is complex so everyone focuses
on "IPv4 -> Dual Stack" forgetting that it is a transition step.  The
final step seems so far off that people ignore it, and therefore the
justification for the first step fades.

(the remainder of this post is brainstorming; apply a grain of salt)

There are ways to fix this.  For example there was a deadline for when
Dual Stack was to go away, a "Dual Stack 10 year count-down" would
drive the point home.  However nothing like this exists.

This thread is making me think that I should change how I talk about
IPv6 publicly.  I need to put more emphasis on DS as being a temporary
thing.  It is in my mind but perhaps not in how I speak.

I tell folks that if ipv4 run-out is the problem in eyeball networks, then
DS cannot be the solution since it has the same problematic reliance on a
scarce ipv4 resource.

I spent a lot of time focusing on ipv6-only networking for mobile and in
many cases, thanks to world v6 launch and ipv6-only based access network
transition schemes (ds-lite, MAP, 464xlat) they can provide a solution for
eyeball networks that is one step away from ipv6-only. .... Instead of DS,
which is just one step beyond ipv4-only with a foggy road to getting off
scarce / expensive / broken ipv4

Content networks are a different beast that must be dual-stack to reach all
the eyeballs


The problem with picking a 10-year or 5-year "campaign" is that
underestimating the amount of time makes us look like "the sky is
falling" and too long gives people a reason to procrastinate.

Then again... I believe what will make the biggest # of people adopt
IPv6 will be if they see everyone else adopting it.  That's why it is
so important for IPv6 to be offered by default to all new ISP
customers, that tech-savy enterprises need to deploy it, and so on.
It is all about building a critical mass.


Speaking at MacTech Conference 2012.";  -- my blog -- my videos

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