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Re: How to fix authentication (was LinkedIn)

From: AP NANOG <nanog () armoredpackets com>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 12:15:52 -0400

I still believe that the final solution should be some sort of two factor, something you know (i.e. a passphrase) and something you have (i.e. key / token / something which has been verified).

Up till recently RSA was a good platform, but was not very effective for smartphone use.

If there is no two factor methodology, which changes, being deployed then man in the middle will still work. So will compromising systems and even compromised servers.

What if, and I am brainstorming here, what if there was a hardware device which plugged in via USB. It was programed (i.e verified) in person, such as a key signing party. The serial number of the hardware device was all that is stored in the "verified" database with say a generic email created at that time with the domain of the verifying group. For example, your serial number is 12345, so the email would be generated as 12345 () foo com. This device is hardware encrypted, and stores your password (priv key) in a one way encryption. Then when you go to a website they can ask if you are verified by The users selects yes, then the website pulls the public key at that time. Then asks you for your pin, password, pass-phrase, whatever, and at that time the users clicks a pretty eye candy button in the browser which looks for the USB device with the serial number from the database. Once found it then starts a secure tunnel such as VPN (can be anything just using it as a methodology), and no data is transmitted until the tunnel and DNSSEC has been established. Once established you can surf the site as normal. All these connections and tunnels being setup by the browser using two factor authentication. What you know being the public key with verification from, which was also verified in person with the email. What you have which is the hardware token, again serial number verified and encrypted. Combined to give you access and the browser does most the work.

Couple things I see as issues off the bat are:

   Cost of USB device
   Security controls over manufacturing
   In person verification, will require many locations and volunteers -
   Still involves the Human Factor of error or misuse
   Education of the users who are techie
   Browser security
   Browser plugin & functionality
   Change time limit and process (i.e. must be regenerated after x months)
   Complete Revocation of the token and notification to all websites
   using verification

Again I am just throwing an idea out there to see what others think, maybe pieces of everyone's idea may result in an effective solution :-)

Along the lines of iCloud, or any cloud based service. I am by no means a fan of cloud services in any shape or form. The risks are WAY to great to out weigh the benefits. If someone has a good argument for "secure" cloud services I am open to hearing those, but that's an entirely different email thread :-)

- Robert Miller

On 6/21/12 8:23 AM, Alexander Harrowell wrote:
On Thursday 21 Jun 2012 04:16:22 Aaron C. de Bruyn wrote:
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Jay Ashworth <jra () baylink com> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <bicknell () ufp org>
Yes, but you're securing the account to the *client PC* there, not
the human being; making that Portable Enough for people who use and
borrow multiple machines is nontrivial.
Or a wizard in your browser/OS/whatever could prompt you to put in a
'special' USB key and write the identity data there, making it
portable.  Or like my ssh keys, I have one on my home computer, one on
my work computer, one on my USB drive, etc...  If I lose my USB key, I
can revoke the SSH key and still have access from my home computer.

And I'm sure someone would come up with the 'solution' where they
store the keys for you, but only you have the passphrase...ala


As far as apps go, loads of them use OAuth and have a browser step in
their setup.

So this adds precisely one step to the smartphone sync/activation
process - downloading the key pair from your PC (or if you don't have a
PC, generating one).

that covers vendor A and most vendor G devices. "what about the feature
phones?" - not an issue, no apps to speak of, noOp(). "what about
[person we want to be superior to who is always female for some
reason]?" - well, they all seem to have iPhones now, so *somebody's*
obviously handholding them through the activation procedure.

obviously vendor A would be tempted to "sync this to iCloud"...but
anyway, I repeat the call for a W3C password manager API. SSH would be
better, but a lot of the intents, actions etc are the same.

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