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From: Robert Bonomi <bonomi () mail r-bonomi com>
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 16:49:17 -0500 (CDT)

Jimmy Hess wrote:

On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 8:48 AM,  <Valdis.Kletnieks () vt edu> wrote:
If it was industry-wide standard practice that just notifying a provider 
resulted in something being done, we'd not need things like Senderbase, 
which is after all basically a list of people who don't take action 
when notified...

Pot calling the kettle black.    Before we talk about industry-wide
practice about the providers "doing something".  We should talk about
industry-wide practice for "Black lists"   doing something to correct
entries,   instead of just building up indiscriminate or irresponsibly
maintained lists of networks or "scores"  of networks  that were
targetted by a spammer at one time in the past.

Sorry, but blocklists _came_into_existance_ ONLY because of large numbers
of providers *ignoring* the problems their networks were causing the 
rest of the world.  

The very existance of 'widely used' blocklists is a damning indictment of 
the entire services provider industry.  _Everybody_, including the major 
blocklist operators, would prefer that blocklists were _not_ needed -- that
all providers would simply 'do the right thing', and insure that their users
did =not= abuse other people's systems.

Were that pipe-dream to come to pass, the major blocklists would *happily*
shut down.  They are all 'money sinks', operating at a loss, 'for the good
of the community as a whole'.

Before blocklists. 'policing your own network' was a pure expense item
with no return.  _Not_ policing one's own users *added* to profitability.
There was no 'business incentive' to be a "good neighbor".

With the advent of blocklists, providers have an 'economic self interest'
justification in remaining out of the major/widely used ones.  It is still
an expense item, but "not doing anything" costs _more_ in 'lost revenues'.

It is a sad comment on the state of affairs that _all_ the major providers
have repeatedly demonstrated they simply "cannot be trusted to 'do the right
thing'" *without* a loaded gun held to their heads -- but that *is* the 
reality of today's marketplace.

Today, for any of the major spam-based blocklists, a single entry consisting 
of more than a single address is indiicative of a _failure_ of a provider's
self-policing.  It is the height of hubris for a provider to 'demand' (or 
even 'expect') prompt/immediate response from a blocklist, *when* the
provider 'demonstrably' couldn't be bothered to act that way themselves.
(What's 'sauce for the goose' _is_ sauce for the gander. :)  IF the provider
had been actively self-policing, the blocklist entry would not have been
escalalated to larger than the single offending address.  

Yes, it would be "nice" if everybody responded promptly; but, in the real
world, that simply doesn't happen -- on either side of the fence.   I
once got an ack about a spam complaint *over*five*months* after sending it.
(For 'some strange reason', that provider is no longer in business.  Thank

It's just as bad for a blacklist operator to not respond  and "do
something" for a network  operator legitimately trying to resolve spam
problems with their network and clear the listing as it is for a
network abuse contact to not respond to a network operator.

This is provably not true. 

There is no recourse/remedy for an unresponsive network operator.  The
'network abuse' ccontinues to flow, _unabated_, from that network.

A blocklist, on the other hand, tends to be self-regulating.  If it is
not responsive to changing conitions, especially the 'cleaning' of formerly
'bad reputation' addresses/blocks, it generates an 'unacceptably high'
number -- as determined by it's USERS, not the senders -- of 'false positive'
evaluations, *wherepon* increasing numbers of users =stop= using that
service.  Resulting in an automatic _lessening_ of the impact of being 
listed on that blocklist.   

See the APEWS list for a 'textbook' demonstration of this self-regulation 
in action.

We should talk about industry-wide practices for how providers should
be notified, what providers are actually supposed to do to "authenticate
reports",  because > sometimes the report/notification itself is 
malicious or false abusive attempt to harass an innocent email user,   
and what exactly providers are actually expected to do with certain kinds 
of notification.

The informal standard of  "just call or send an e-mail to an abuse
contact" is poorly specified. The informal standard of "the abuse 
contact should investigate and take immediate action" is poorly

Some of these things that are not specified by RFC should be specified
by RFC as best practice. There should be abuse notification and response
notification mechanisms other than free form e-mail.

It would appear that you are not familiar with RFC 5965. 

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