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Re: NIST IPv6 document

From: Julien Goodwin <nanog () studio442 com au>
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2011 00:25:07 +1100

On 06/01/11 16:01, John Levine wrote:
Still, the idea that "nobody will scan a /64" reminds me of the days
when 640K ought to be enough for anybody, ...

We really need to wrap our heads around the orders of magnitude
involved here.  If you could scan an address every nanosecond, which I
think is a reasonable upper bound what with the speed of light and
all, it would still take 500 years to scan a /64.  Enumerating all the
addresses will never be practical.  But there's plenty of damage one
can do with a much less than thorough enumeration.

I'm probably ruining an interview question from $COMPANYTHATDIDN'THIREME
but think just of a 64-bit counter, *if* you had the ability to iterate
through 32-bits every second[1] it still takes ~136 years to go all the
way through 64 bits.

I don't know about you, but that doesn't worry me. At that point it's a
straight bandwidth DoS.

What makes much more sense is mapping the first /112 or so of a subnet,
the last /112 or so, that will catch most static hosts and routers, then
if you really want just iterate through the 2^46 valid assigned
MAC's[2], much less if you make some assumptions about which OUI's are
likely to exist on a subnet[3].


1: ie, think of a 4.3ish Ghz CPU that can do "i++ and jump to 0" in a
single instruction

2: One bit lost for broadcast, one bit for local/global addresses

3: Skipping all unassigned is obvious, but there's a huge amount that
will match systems you'll never care about, 2^36 is probably not far off.

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