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Re: NEVERMIND! (was: ARIN Fraud Reporting Form ... )

From: Michael Dillon <wavetossed () googlemail com>
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2010 13:52:20 +0100

So OK, John... Can you explain yourself... please?  Why did you say you
were accepting my request into your suggestion box, when it appears that
ARIN has already been doing exactly the thing I asked for... even if only
haphazardly, in a disorganized way, and only within a limited number of

A) It is not John's suggestion box, it is ARIN's suggestion box. John is just
   one of the board of trustees of ARIN.

B) You do not have to abuse the NANOG mailing list to make suggestions.
    Anyone can go to the ARIN website and make suggestions right here:

C) Speaking of haphazard and disorganized, you might want to review a
    few of your recent NANOG messages.

D) ARIN runs by rules which are made in a transparent process and any
   member of the Internet community, can propose changes to those
   rules, or policies. Lots of info on the ARIN website and in the PPML
   mailing list where people discuss proposed policies.

ARIN has clearly already been doing it,
so there's no need for a whole new study committee, an environmental impact
statement, circulation of proposals, sub-committee delegation, advancement
of the proposal back to the super-committee for re-review, recirculation,
republication, balloting, re-balloting, amendment, etc., etc., etc.,
in other words all of the bullshit bureaucratic stumbling blocks that
bureaucrats... like my favorite, Sir Humphrey Appleby... put up as road-
blocks to even the smallest and simplest bit of forward movement.

Ah yes, forward movement. Wouldn't it be great if the powers that be just
shut you up without any due process.

You don't appear to know very much about how ARIN operates which is strange
for someone who claims to be an expert in decoding IP address registrations.

If not, then the ball's in your court John, and your choice is simple,

Indeed it is. John should refuse to post any more messages on this list
about this topic because it has absolutely nothing to do with network

By the way, if you try to post messages like this on the ARIN PPML
list full of innuendo and character attacks, you will be booted out of
there too.

--Michael Dillon

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