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Re: IPv4 sunset date set for 2019-12-31

From: Barry Shein <bzs () world std com>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 13:13:28 -0400

On October 22, 2010 at 08:48 dhc2 () dcrocker net (Dave CROCKER) wrote:

On 10/21/2010 1:56 PM, Barry Shein wrote:
Well, if the DNS root servers ceased IPv4 service it'd be pretty much
a fait accompli as far as the public internet is concerned.

Given the reality of fragmenting the DNS -- including its root -- that's an 
action that well might backfire.  Current fragmentation is constrained; this 
could plausibly motivate more people to pursue other paths and thereby blow 
things up.

I wouldn't suggest doing it without A LOT of coordination with

While we're on the subject, someone else suggested that one source of
authority would be the Tier-1 vendors, the other would be governments.

Tying the two sub-threads together I believe there's sufficient
authority vested in the DNS management and RIRs to accomplish a
transition to an, effectively, all-IPv6 internet without either of the
above leading tho they would have to follow of course.

        -Barry Shein

The World              | bzs () TheWorld com           |
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