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Question for the List Maintaners -- (Re: SORBS Contact)

From: Steve Sobol <sjsobol () JustThe net>
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2006 22:19:28 -0700

Matthew Sullivan wrote:

If you checked with the original complainant you would find that both
the zombie and DUHL listings are cleared.  If you knew the ticket
numbers and where they sit in the SORBS RT Support system you would know
that there were multiple tickets logged the oldest now being 10 days,
the most recent being 5 days - and under published policy the earliest
was pushed into the more recent.  You'll also note that the original
complaint was about a single IP address as part of a /27 within a /19

OK. I have no problem with that. I want you to understand that my observation
comes from seeing *many* people complain about a lack of response. If it was
just a couple, that'd be a horse of another color.

And frankly, it's not like you try to hide. You're a public figure here and
on several other discussion forums. So I don't think it's unreasonable to
assume that if people are having trouble reaching SORBS, it's not because the
contacts aren't published. In fact, I've seen a number of complaints that
people *have* contacted SORBS and have failed to get a response.

The quoted text above is intended for a few that might still be on this
list, non of which posted to this thread.  The fact remains some ISPs
provide transit to known criminal organisations for hijacked netblocks
which are used for nothing but abuse (hosting trojans and viruses). 

I'm not arguing that fact. Whether or not it was an appropriate response is
another matter.

I don't know what your problem is, but you're not making things any
better by refusing to fix listings that aren't incorrect or, in some
cases, never were.
Where do you get that from...?  We fix incorrect listings as soon as
notified and with no deliberate delay.  If you are refering to listings
like Dean Anderson's stolen netblock these are not delisted until such
time as proof is obtained that our information is incorrect.

Perhaps "refusal" is not the proper word, and I apologize for using it. It
does imply intent. "failure" may be a more accurate description.

permission even from a company folding is still stealing) - his response
was a lot of bluster followed by the creation of the site. 

Yup, I know. I'm there too. I am one of Dean's most vocal detractors.

Something to consider before replying: is this on or off topic for
NANOG? (personally I think part of this is on topic, other parts of the
thread are definitely off topic)

It has been agreed that spam is offtopic, although the issue of hijacked
netblocks certainly isn't. So I probably should have replied to you off-list
(apologies to everyone else for lowering the S:N ratio).

I don't know what the official word is on whether DNSBL operations in general
are on-topic for this list. I would appreciate if the people in charge of
deciding such things could tell me whether DNSBLs are on-topic or not...

Steve Sobol, Professional Geek ** Java/VB/VC/PHP/Perl ** Linux/*BSD/Windows
Apple Valley, California     PGP:0xE3AE35ED

It's all fun and games until someone starts a bonfire in the living room.

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