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Re: Microsoft XP SP2 (was Re: Lazy network operators - NOT)

From: Brian Russo <brian () entropy net>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 10:51:18 -0400

At Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 08:22:48AM -0400, Chris Brenton wrote:

Agreed. I think part of what makes 0-day easier to hide *is* the raw
quantity of preventable exploits that are taking place. In many ways we
have become numb to compromises so that the first response ends up being
"format and start over". If 0-day was a higher percentage, it would be
easier to catch them when they occur and do a proper forensic analysis. 

Right, they fit in with the noise.

I guess I have a hard time blaming this type of thing on the end user.
Part of the fall out from making computers easier to use, is making it
easier for end users to shoot themselves in the foot. One of the
benefits of complexity is that it forces end user education. I'm
guessing that if you had to load SQL as a dependency you would have
caught your mistake before you made it. 

Let me give you an example of the easy to use interface thing. Back in
2000 I made it a personal goal to try and get the top 5 SMURF amplifier
sites shut down. I did some research to figure out what net blocks were
being used and started contacting the admins. Imagine my surprise when I
found out that 3 of the 5 _had_ a firewall. They had clicked their way
though configuring Firewall-1, didn't know they needed to tweak the
default property settings, and were letting through all ICMP
unrestricted and unlogged. 

IMHO its only getting worse. I teach a lot of perimeter security folks
and it seems like more and more of them are moving up the ranks without
ever seeing a command prompt. I actually had one guy argue that
everything in Windows is point and click and if you could not use a
mouse to do something, it was not worth doing. Again, I don't see this
as an end user problem because as an industry we've tried to make
security seem easier than it actually is. We want to make it like
driving a car when its more like flying an airplane. 

That's pretty sad, I can forgive users, but nobody doing 'security' 
should be living in a pure GUI world, to extend your analogy it would be 
like only knowing how to configure the autopilot and getting a pilot's 

As far as mainstream users..
* Software needs to patch itself, users aren't going to do it.
* Software needs to be intuitive, people interact with computers as if 
they were doing 'real' things. Things like cut and paste are easy 
because they make sense...
* Software patches need to WORK and not screw up Joe User's system, 
believe me they won't "understand" that software is never bug-free, 
they'll instead swear off installing patches in future.
* Software needs reasonable defaults.. this doesn't necessarily mean 
turning every feature off.
* Wizards and/or a choice of 'starter' confs can be great.

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