nanog mailing list archives

RE: Open relays and open proxies

From: Rafi Sadowsky <rafi-nanog () meron openu ac il>
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2003 00:34:22 +0300 (IDT)

## On 2003-04-25 00:17 -0700 Christopher J. Wolff typed:

CJW> Yes Neil, it is a shame.  Is there any known way to opt out of spamcop?
CJW> I'm sure I could ACL out all SMTP traffic coming from their netspace.
CJW> Or better yet, set up an IDS rule that emails their upstream provider.
CJW> If a few of us did this I'm sure the spamcop folks would find a way to
CJW> make their spam engine a bit more selective.
CJW> The spamcop complaints that really set me off are the "spamvertised
CJW> website" complaints.  Just the mere fact that you host a site that was
CJW> advertised by spam enjoins you in the spamcop chain of causation, even
CJW> if the spam mail did not originate from your network.

 When logged in to <> from your (auto-generated) 
"ISP account" click "preferences" in the first line below the logo 
then click "General Settings" you should be able to stop getting any of
the below types by choosing "refuse" the one you certainly want is "www"

Report Type selection

If you are bothered by reports which reference your network without
authorization, you may disable some report types while ensuring that
relevant reports still reach you.

    * source (Administrator of network where email originates)
      Accept Refuse
    * www (Administrator of network hosting website referenced in spam)
      Accept Refuse
    * email (Administrator of network hosting email address referenced in
      Accept Refuse
    * relay (Administrator of network with open relays)
      Accept Refuse
    * notify (User defined recipient)
Accept Refuse


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