nanog mailing list archives

Summary: need info on a xDSL provider willing to route an IP-range .

From: "Mr. James W. Laferriere" <babydr () baby-dragons com>
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 13:49:29 -0700 (PDT)

        Hello All , Below is (most) of the responses I have gotten from
        various people .  I have tried to keep all pertinant info in 
        what I have quoted .  I have not included all of any message 
        unless the message was 1 or 2 lines .  I have not done a thurough
        check for duplicates , Hear they are .

        Thank you, ALL .   Hth,  JimL

ps:     Of all the sales@ style addresses found that I have sent to (some of
        them the belows) only 4 of the mails have been answered . At this
        time .
       | James   W.   Laferriere | System  Techniques | Give me VMS     |
       | Network        Engineer | 25416      22nd So |  Give me Linux  |
       | babydr () baby-dragons com | DesMoines WA 98198 |   only  on  AXP |

Cory R. King
Azalea Software, Inc.

        We are using to route a /28 via DSL.

Cory R. King  ( Then further reported )
coryking () azalea com

        I just recommended
        You'd probably want to check with them if they still *do* that kind of 
        thing..  They did it for me, but that was about a year ago.  Who know's 
        if they'd do it now.

Aaron Schultz
aaron () powertrip net

        I have a /26 with

Robert Gibson
wa3pxx () pimmitrun com

Jason J. Horton
jason () intercom com

        For some more info on our services, see

Michael  K. Smith
mksmith () semaphore com

        We would do so in a business application environment.
        sales () semaphore com.

Michael  K. Smith ( Then further reported )
mksmith () semaphore com

        Since it is a single location, you might want to talk to Northwest Link
        about getting service.  Semaphore only supplies DSL to multiple-location
        companies.  In addition, Northwest Link has experience with Paradyne's
        MSDSL product which has a v.35 interface that can connect to a Cisco
        router. MSDSL runs at 3.1 megs.  The caveat is, you have to install
        a LADS (alarm) circuit and hook up the MSDSL CPE on both ends.
        It doesn't go through a DSLAM.

Bruce Robertson
bruce () greatbasin net

        We route registered IP space over DSL,
        but I'm not sure how we can help you, being in Reno NV.

Robert A. Hayden
rhayden () geek net

        You might be able to get what you need from Savvis.

Iggy Reko
rali () Tifosi com

        UUNet is doing so for me now. 192.104.156/24 out of AS701 is SDSL.

David Williams
davew () wenet net

        I've heard they have been flexible with stuff like this.

Daniel Hagerty
hag () linnaean org

        Well, this probably doesn't help you, but (new england)
        will do so;  see (me).  You probably don't want the
        cross country backhaul in your critical path tho....

Robert Boyle
robert () tellurian net

        As long as you have registered space, We'll announce it ...

dylan greene
db70 () loa com

        I've currently got my provider, Rhythms doing just this, 
        it took a bit of work speaking w/ various engineers to get
        them to understand what I was trying to do, but eventually
        they were able to help me out. 

        What I'd be interested in learning about are if any cable providers do
        this. Most that I've had contact with give you a dhcp address or

Erik R. Leo
erikl () sover net

        We provide SDSL over "alarm circuits" (BANAs in BellAtlantic
        land).  And we treat them like any dedicated customer,
        i.e., tell us your needs and we'll assign your IPs...

Brian Wallingford
brian () meganet net

        We'll do such, so long as the user doesn't expect to speak BGP (i.e.,
        we'll be happy to advertise a client-owned block).  This, of course,
        applies only to commercial accounts.

        We serve the New England area, and will soon cover the east coast;  I'm
        sure there are others throughout the country who'd do the same, but
        you'll need to dig.

Peter C. Norton
spacey () lenin nu

        A buddy of mine is getting his long-standing class C block routed by
        a local provider here in new york called intercom,

Michael C. Toren
mct () netaxs com

        We (Netaxs) are happy to announce a customer's portable /24, after
        first confirming that it's not currently being announced, and that
        the ARIN whois information matches up with the party being billed.
        We've already had at least one customer I can remember that brought
        a /16 from class B space with them ...

Ryan Pavely
paradox () nac net

        ( provided A link for digging up info on xDSL Providers and such ... )

philippe.daoust () bellnexxia com

        For a DSL provider in Canada

Spencer Garrett
srg () 2alpha net

        We do both routinely.  What part of the country are you in?

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