Metasploit mailing list archives

Re: Which modules work through a pivot point?

From: John Nash <rootsecurityfreak () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2010 11:18:16 +0530


Thanks for the quick response!

1. While pivoting, are there any debugs I can turn on to look into
what is happening under the hood in more detail?

2. A lot of tools i want to use may want to target multiple services
on the remote system at the same time. Is there some easy command
using which I can forward all ports to the remote system? instead of
having to setup one for each port manually?


On 9/6/10, Rob Fuller <mubix () room362 com> wrote:
1. Most should, please submit to this mailing list or create redmine tickets
for any that you are finding that don't

2. It highly depends on the operating systems of both attacker and victim.
If you are running meterpreter, then you can use the portfwd command.

Rob Fuller | Mubix
Certified Checkbox Unchecker |

On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 1:25 AM, John Nash
<rootsecurityfreak () gmail com>wrote:

Hello All,

I have used Metasploit for the last couple of years casually, but now
I am giving it a serious look and considering purchasing express.

I am thus doing an independent research on Metasploit. Due to the lack
of documentation, I have a couple of questions:

1. Once you create a pivot (B) ...say between the Attacker (A) and the
victim (C), what modules on Metasploit can be run through the pivot?

I have added a route through the pivot meterpreter session

msf > route print

Active Routing Table

  Subnet             Netmask            Gateway
  ------             -------            -------      Session 1

but the auxiliary modules like portscan and unable to function ...they
just timeout. Are there only some modules which will work through a
pivot? and others which won't? Can some please clarify?

2. Is it possible to channel other tools on the Attacker machine
through this pivot somehow? What  i wanna do is say run a tool like
fping (and others ... ) on the remote network through the pivot ....
is this possible?

Thanks so much!



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