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There is something to do with metasploit when you own a machine not member of domain?

From: Richard Miles <richard.k.miles () googlemail com>
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2010 19:16:10 +0000


I have a question that I believe may be interesting, suppose you have
a network with two domains (A and B), you want to compromise the
machines on the domain B, but you only found vulnerabilities in domain
A. You compromised one machine member of domain A and meterpreter is
running with SYSTEM privilege, when you hashdump there is not hashes
from other domains, the local administrator account is different
between domain A and B. Machines on domain B appear to be all well
patched. However, sometimes you see machines of one administrator to
log over SMB or RDP on the machine A that you compromised, however he
uses a domain A credential, since all the other credentials are
different. My question is, there is anything that can be done? Any
kind of impersonate attack, etc where the compromised machine on
domain A could allow me to access the machine on domain B?

I don't think there is a way, but I want to ask since during the last
days I seen very cool features at meterpreter.


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