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Re: java_signed_applet question

From: natron <natron () invisibledenizen org>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 01:40:30 -0500

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:45 PM, HD Moore <hdm () metasploit com> wrote:

On 3/24/2010 11:40 PM, Jeffs wrote:
When successfully using the java_signed_applet module, if the victim
navigates away from the page presented, the reverse connection is lost.
Is there a way to stabilize this?

set AutoRunScript "migrate -f"


You only lose the shell if you are using the pure java payload. There
are ways to stabilize this, but nothing that's in trunk yet.

If you use a real OS target:payload (e.g. Windows:meterpreter), the
module will drop an executable to and execute it. When
you use one of these, you don't have to auto-migrate.


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