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Re: Strange results using auxiliary/scanner/portscan/syn and routing via Meterpreter

From: HD Moore <hdm () metasploit com>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 23:31:48 -0500

On 3/23/2010 11:21 PM, wfdawson wrote:
I start off with a compromised host.  I execute a Meterpreter payload
.exe created with msfpayload / msfencode, and establish a connection
back to my pen testing host.  I determine the locally routed networks,
background the session, and configure a route, e.g.:

route add 1

Then, I use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/syn, set PORTS 80 and RHOSTS to
the target network or host.  I've tried it both ways.  Either way, I get
no results, even when there are web servers on the target networks or IP
addresses.  However, in my syslog, I see USB messages logged when I
start the scan.  The messages only occur when I do a scan this way. 
What might be causing this?

Raw packet scanners do not go through the pivot, you would need to use
auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp for this to work. No idea about the
kernel messages, but it seems like you may be using a USB network card?



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