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RbReadline vi mode error

From: patrickhof at (Patrick Hof)
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 20:06:15 +0200


the new rbreadline.rb which was added in rev 7089 bails out on me in vi mode. My setup:

~/vcs/svn/Metasploit $ cat ~/.inputrc
set editing-mode vi
set keymap vi
set convert-meta on

~/vcs/svn/Metasploit $ svn info | grep Revision
Revision: 7096

~/vcs/svn/Metasploit $ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.1p243 (2009-07-16 revision 24175) [i686-linux]

The error:

msf > /home/patrick/vcs/svn/Metasploit/lib/rbreadline.rb:4261:in `_rl_dispatch_subseq': undefined method 
`rl_vi_movement_mode' for RbReadline:Module (NoMethodError)
  from /home/patrick/vcs/svn/Metasploit/lib/rbreadline.rb:4250:in `_rl_dispatch'
  from /home/patrick/vcs/svn/Metasploit/lib/rbreadline.rb:4660:in `readline_internal_charloop'
  from /home/patrick/vcs/svn/Metasploit/lib/rbreadline.rb:4734:in `readline_internal'
  from /home/patrick/vcs/svn/Metasploit/lib/rbreadline.rb:4756:in `readline'
  from /home/patrick/vcs/svn/Metasploit/lib/readline.rb:68:in `readline'
  from /home/patrick/vcs/svn/Metasploit/lib/rex/ui/text/input/readline.rb:80:in `pgets'
  from /home/patrick/vcs/svn/Metasploit/lib/rex/ui/text/shell.rb:117:in `run'
  from ./msfconsole:82:in `<main>'


The Plague: You wanted to know who I am, Zero Cool? Well, let me explain 
            the New World Order. Governments and corporations need people
            like you and me. We are Samurai... the Keyboard Cowboys... and
            all those other people who have no idea what's going on are 
            the cattle... Moooo.

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