Metasploit mailing list archives

Course: Mastering the Metasploit Framework

From: btricha at (Bryan Richardson)
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 08:10:17 -0600

Hey H,

While I have been fully planning on attending this training at Blackhat for
over two months now, I just found out that I have other engagements I must
attend on that weekend (which really sucks I must say).  Is it possible that
you will be conducting this same training at some other time and place in
the near future?  I'd really really like to attend, especially since my
employer is willing to pay for it. :)


On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 1:09 PM, H D Moore <hdm at> wrote:

Since other folks are promoting classes here, I figured I should at least
promote my own :-)

The next official Metasploit class will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada during
Black Hat USA on July 25th and 26th. This course dives into the newest
features of the Metasploit Framework and demonstrates how to use these
features in every aspect of a penetration test. Students will learn how to
create custom modules to solve specific tasks, launch wide-scale client-side
attacks, operate a malicious wireless access point, generate custom
backdoors, bypass intrusion prevention systems, automate the
post-exploitation process, and much more. The course is split between
hands-on labs and lectures, with a focus on practical techniques that have
proven successful in the real world.

You can register online at:

To give you an idea of how the class is structured, we have posted part of
the Meterpreter section online at:

Hope to see you there!


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