Metasploit mailing list archives

Three questions: Proxies and the Wiki and multi/handler

From: mtgarden at (Matt Gardenghi)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 09:48:52 -0400

Thanks for the quick reply.  I'll start digging into it. 

H D Moore wrote:
On Thu, 07 May 2009 08:26:16 -0500, Matt Gardenghi 
<mtgarden at> wrote:

1) Is there a technique for setting a payload to work over a proxy?  
I haven't noticed it yet, though that means little....

Some locations (i.e. my own company) proxies *everything.*  My 
research has indicated that not a whole lot of malware is proxy 
aware, but that the foundation is being laid as companies are 
tightening up some of the data exfiltration going on.  So, will we 
see a automatic proxy detection in our payloads or the ability to 
manually configure a proxy?

Proxy support increases size which makes it harder to actually use 
proxy-aware payloads. The best option we have now is the reverse_http 
stager, recently rewritten by natron. This stager uses IE+HTTP 
(reading local proxy settings from the registry, if the payload is 
running as a configured user) and can be used to get a shell, vnc 
session, or meterpreter prompt.

2) I understand that there are several interesting articles under but I don't see a list for them anywhere.  
So this makes it challenging to dig around and find useful articles.

Valid, we need a documentation overhaul.

3) multi/handler; is it possible to get the multi/handler to grab 
lots of incoming connections?  I seem to be missing this one as 
well.  I would assume its possible, cause it seems impractical to 
continually create new exploits with new port numbers/instances of 
multi/handler to target multiple machines simultaneously.


msf exploit (multi/handler) > set ExitOnSession false
msf exploit (multi/handler) > exploit -j


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