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From: aepereyra at (Augusto Pereyra)
Date: Sun, 3 May 2009 19:02:45 -0300

Now the code is this:

@class =
@class.cmd_portfwd("add -l 4445 -r -p 3389")

And the error is the same.
[-] Error in script: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)

Any suggestion?

You need to use an existing instance of a Meterpreter session instead of
trying to create a new one, unattached to any real target.


Thanks by the previous answer.

Im using this test script over an existing session of meterpreter
attached to a real target

I have metasploit in a backtrack3 and the victim machine is a winxp

Best Regard
Augusto Pereyra

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