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Problem with Updating the Metasploit Framework on Windows XP

From: carlos_perez at (Carlos Perez)
Date: Sun, 05 Apr 2009 08:11:01 -0400

Are you behind a proxy? the message states that it could not connect to
the sever this is typical for when you are behind a proxy. 

On Sun, 2009-04-05 at 22:02 +1000, Professor 0110 wrote:
Hi everyone, 

I recently installed Metasploit 3.2 on a Windows XP system. However,
when I tried to update the Framework, I encountered the following

(Check attached file or read below)

Updating the Metasploit Framework...
svn: OPTIONS of
could not connect to server (
Press any key to continue . . .

Any help on this matter will be much appreciated. 


Professor 0110

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