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MS08-067 Win2K3 German lang. support

From: christopher.riley at (christopher.riley at
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 14:38:44 +0200

Sorry it's taken such a long time to get back to you on this, been a wild 
few weeks.

I took a look to make sure I'm not going crazy, but Windows 2003 doesn't 
seem to have the acgeneral.dll (only Windows XP).

Any pointers, or more information on Brett Moore's bypass technique. It's 
hard to recreate with the notes in the Ruby code alone.

Chris John Riley

framework-bounces at wrote on 13.04.2009 01:02:14:

On Mon, 2009-04-13 at 00:03 +0200, christopher.riley at wrote:

Also what can I do to recreate the NX bypass for the German version.
Its not going to be as simple as the NO NX stuff I'm sure. 

Thanks for looking into it - to get the DisableNX address, use the
following command:

$ msfpescan -r "\x6A\x04\x8D\x45\x08\x50\x6A\x22\x6A\xFF" acgenral.dll


Raiffeisen Informatik GmbH, Firmenbuchnr. 88239p, Handelsgericht Wien, DVR 0486809, UID ATU 16351908

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