Metasploit mailing list archives

browser autopwn - options?

From: jerome.athias at (Jerome Athias)
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 10:01:27 +0100

I think i'll do something about it for autopwn and browser_autopwn
quickly in MSF-XB, to have a PoC to port to MSFgui/web.
Having a list of possible exploits, check the ones you want to use, and
default payload for all or defined one/one if it's a win target or
another by default for others target, etc.
theXploiter allows you to do such like predefintion of what you want to
automaticaly launch in the post-exploitation stage.

I'll look at this in the week-end (if i find time :-/)


James Lee a ?crit :
Being able to set the payload options would certainly be useful but at
present I don't see a way to implement it that still allows you to use
meterpreter.  HDM suggested creating a "generic/advanced" payload that
chooses meterpreter if the target is windows or a shell if not and
giving browser_autpwn a PAYLOAD option like other exploits.  This
still wouldn't give you fine-grained control of what payloads to run
with what exploits but it would give you the option of using any
generic payload.  What do you think of that idea?


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