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browser autopwn - options?

From: egypt at (egypt at
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 00:49:21 -0700

Being able to set the payload options would certainly be useful but at
present I don't see a way to implement it that still allows you to use
meterpreter.  HDM suggested creating a "generic/advanced" payload that
chooses meterpreter if the target is windows or a shell if not and
giving browser_autpwn a PAYLOAD option like other exploits.  This
still wouldn't give you fine-grained control of what payloads to run
with what exploits but it would give you the option of using any
generic payload.  What do you think of that idea?


On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 12:15 PM, Jerome Athias <jerome.athias at> wrote:
any +/- dif ?

Selon Donnie Werner <morning_wood at>:

 it would be nice to set the options for what exploit and payload to
I have edited the script many times but find it isnt working properly after
my many edits. As well, another small bug in browser_autopwn...

if you select any URI other than ( null ) such as /index.html the smb_relay
uri becomes corruped as.. /index.html\\FOOSERVER\FOOURI\bar.jpg
and Metasploit throws up its hands and shrugs.

Donnie Werner



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