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From: jrogosky at (Justin Rogosky)
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 22:22:12 -0400

I wasn't very clear in my first post so I will try again.

when running the meterpreter against an unpatched Windows XP box.
Having used the ms03_026_dcom exploit with the meterpreter. bind_tcp
payload.  I have a session created and can interact with this session.
I can use the hashdump and some of the other features, but when running
an ls command to list the files and directories I get the following

[-] Error running command ls: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)

I tracked this down to the 
line 222: 
client.fs.dir.entries_with_info(path).sort { |a,b| a['FileName'] <=> 
b['FileName'] }.each { |p|

I have added debug print lines and this is were it is failing for me.

Sorry about the confusion (maybe I won't get any more suggestions to try
dir which gives me this [-] Unknown command: dir. )

--Justin Rogosky

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