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Metasploit on Windows

From: elite_netbios at (Hamid . K)
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 02:09:20 -0800 (PST)

The trouble with categorizing this by OS is screen space -- we could
a directory structure view of the modules, but we would not be able to 
display the full name of each module in the list. Instead of organizing
the modules by OS, I planned on changing their titles to be more 
consistent (so all Microsoft modules have the MSB reference in the name
and the word Microsoft in the title) and expand the search functionlity
in the GUI to look at descriptions and targets.

How about applying filters ? there would be a VIEW of FILTER option
in menus , allowing user to apply based on category/platform. filter can be
a drop-down list , filled with parsed categories (based on dir contents)
or at least top level filters like browse,ftp,smb,etc... . These defined
categories are not required to be visible in GUI , making exploits names
too long. 

to make GUI even more sexy , it would be cool to have a mini-console
for accepting typed commands ,somewhere in GUI . Immunity debugger
is good known example .
 for example , setting global environments or to save some time in browsing GUI wizards. 

thanks for this great project. 

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