Metasploit mailing list archives

Feature requests? Bugs? Annoyances?

From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 13:13:44 -0500

Thanks for all of the feedback! From the responses, I opened the following 
Trac tickets:

13:08 Ticket #158 (defect) created by hdm
    Meterpreter: injection/migration issues with Windows 2003.

13:06 Ticket #157 (defect) created by hdm
    Meterpreter: tab completion for the script names (run)

13:06 Ticket #156 (defect) created by hdm
    Better autocomplete and "search" command for msfconsole

13:05 Ticket #155 (defect) created by hdm
    Add support for the EncoderDontFallThrough option from Metasploit 2

13:05 Ticket #154 (defect) created by hdm
    Per-user Metasploit source directories on Windows

13:04 Ticket #153 (defect) created by hdm
    Custom Windows console with compatible Readline API

13:04 Ticket #152 (defect) created by hdm
    Add SMB signing support to the SMB stack

13:03 Ticket #151 (defect) created by hdm
    Add NTLMv2 support to the SMB/CIFS modules (smb_relay, smb_sniffer)

13:03 Ticket #150 (defect) created by hdm
    Performance: Reduce memory footprint and speed up loads

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