Metasploit mailing list archives

find_tag Payloads

From: security at (Thomas Werth)
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 10:06:58 +0200

Dear List,

I'm trying to get a find_tag payload to work. I tested several of them.
Meterpreter and vnc at least "printf" they have opened a session. But in
meterpreter is no communication possible (help won't show fs funcs,
migrate timed out, use priv , too ). VNC is the same.

I'm just setting a find_tag as payload and fire test exploit. DLL
tranfer is ok. After a while searching for a connection msf tells he has
a session. But this one isn't working.

There is one tcp connection between victim and attacker, exactly that
one where exploit is send over.

What is needed to get find_tag payloads working ?


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