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Payload Bugs ?

From: jerome.athias at (Jerome Athias)
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 15:14:30 +0200

This code ensures that the payloads/encoders don't corrupt themselves. 
Also, in some cases, payloads assume that a certain amount of available 
stack space exists; so that adjustment helps to correct that assumption.

PS: thank you skape ;-p

Thomas Werth a ?crit :
It works!
I created a msf module set Payload StackAdjustment to -3500 and now
meterpreter reverse works.

Can someone please explain to me why a stackadjustment solves this problem ?
Payload is :
nop x 260 - call esp - shellcode
now when understanding right new payload is
nop x 260 - call esp - sub esp,3500 - shellcode

i guess in "staged" payloads ( only inline run former ) stack frame end
was to near and now we have a bit more space so staged payload won't be
cut ? Did i understand this right ?

Thomas Werth schrieb:
thanks for the info.
As i'm using strcpy in my test app only \x00 has to be a badchar, right ?

When using encoding i read something on uninformed about edx ( or ecx)
is used as base for decoding and has to be adjusted. Is this still
needed or is encoding enough without taking care about art of decoding ?

J. M. Seitz schrieb:
Use the NASM shell that ships with Metasploit. 

nasm > sub esp,3500
00000000  81ECAC0D0000      sub esp,0xdac
nasm >

So you would start payload off with "\x81\xec\xac\x0d\x00\x00" but of course
you will want to encode it as those two NULL bytes will give you grief.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Werth [mailto:security at] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 11:20 PM
To: framework at
Subject: Re: [framework] Payload Bugs ?

ok, but how do i append ?
i doubt $payload .= "sub esp,3500" would do it, am i wrong ?
How would i exactly append this in perl and how in msf.rb file ?

J. M. Seitz schrieb:
I think a simple:

sub esp,3500

Would do it, prepend to your shellcode. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Werth [mailto:security at]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 10:50 PM
To: framework at
Subject: Re: [framework] Payload Bugs ?

Patrick Webster schrieb:
I assume your german return address is correct.

Try using a shellcode with a stack adjustment of -3500.

Otherwise your payload may be using bad characters which are not 
accepted, or the payload code is changed by other
instructions before
you execute, by the target application?


How exactly can i do this ? This sounds really interessting, but i 
didn't find a "Adjust Stack for dummies guide" ;) Can you gimme a 
small example ?

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