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Any hints for this port (Zenworks sploit) ?

From: nowwhat at (nowwhat at
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 17:31:12 +0200

Just updating my thread with today's work; The more inputs the better.

When EIP got overwriten, it seemed like the stack contained a pointer to my
buffer 8bytes below the top. So I figured I would find a return adress with a
"pop pop ret" sequence.
I looked up a return adress that would also be ASCII compliant, and spamed the
memory with it - because the offset that get poped is random. It also makes for
a non-reliable exploit, since the buffer of data gets randomly shifted -probably
because it was alocated as bytes/chars.

When finaly the program hangs with the stack overwriten with the good return
address, I just can't debug any further. I put a breakpoint on my return adress
but it never get there; The application dies with a C0000005 error code.

It seems to me that this could be exploitable, but I'm struggling quite a bit
for an exploit that will work once out of ten at best.

every comment is apreciated.

Selon Jerome Athias <jerome.athias at>:

nowwhat at a ?crit :
Merci q:

Egghunting will probably be a good idea in the future, the problem for now
is I
can't execute s**t since I just randomly pop something I can't predict into
The server justs close the connexion when I spam it with my return address.
probably ASCII related, although I'm not too sure how I could both write
return adress and be ASCII compliant...
Are you sure that you have correctly retrieved badchars?
Using breakpoints in your debugger (and maybe Wireshark) should help you
a lot...

going further, please think about the nice encoders of the MSF ;-)

Good luck

PS: the Immunity debugger includes some useful function to deal with
egghunting and so...

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