Metasploit mailing list archives

Metasploit Penetration Testing Examples

From: jerome.athias at (Jerome Athias)
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 00:45:39 +0200

jag a ?crit :

i need some explanation about how to use meterpreter as payload for
db_autopwn command and if i can interact with multiple session of it.

First, you will find a lot of cool and interesting lectures and tips in 
the archive of this mailing-list


so please take some time to search (google is your friend*) and read!
in my presentation i'm using win2k, win2k3 and Ubuntu Server "feisty"
as target machines. with win2k i'm using enough exploit but with
win2k3 and Linux i can't find any working exploit, can you help me? i
need to install any service?

you have to use an exploit against an EXPLOITABLE service
you can find some here:
also don't forget your friend*

PS: exploits should work against specific targets only (os, version, 
sp): check the exploits' source code, you should have to use an old or 
unpatched distribution
btw, you can find old version of some services on sourceforge
thank you!

i have a lot of question, sorry!

bye :)
hope it helps a bit
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