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Metasploit Penetration Testing Examples

From: jerome.athias at (Jerome Athias)
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 17:44:18 +0200

I am working on a project to use the Metasploit framework (in the middle 
of a lot of other tools) to do a "complete" pentest ending with the 
generation of a nice report ;p
Still in early stage, theXploiter project should not be available soon...
Btw, maybe a public alpha version will be released in some weeks...

If you have ideas about this, please let me know...

For now:
You can then easily use SQL to export data and then convert them to use 
in another tool/generate a report
(check !)


jag a ?crit :
On 6/24/07, Felipe Chang - Digiware <fchang at> wrote:

thank you for your answer and attachments! however this documentation
refers to the old version of metasploit and don't say anything about
automation, database information sharing or report generation :(

can someone help me about this?

thank you!

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