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strange problem whith network enabled payloads

From: arahzone-msf at (arahzone-msf at
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 10:19:06 -0700 (PDT)

Hi HD and Skape,
  Thank you very much for your help. As HD said it was the esp and the add esp, -3500
solved my problem.
H D Moore <hdm at> wrote:
  It sounds like your stack pointer is too close to EIP. Try prepending the 
following bytes before your payload:

"\x81\xc4\x54\xf2\xff\xff" (add esp, -3500)


On Monday 15 May 2006 13:27, arahzone-msf at wrote:
I have created a simple program that listen on a socket and
copy(strcpy) the received data to another buffer that is smaller than
the buffer used in receive() . I am able to use payloads that dont use
winsock such as "execute command" sucessfully but all payloads that use
Winsocks crash. I have debugged the complete process the payload is
copied correctly to the target buffer on the stack and the execution
flow is redirected to the begining of the payload. The problem is just
after the Loadlibrary(ws_32). this call return the correct address of
ws_32.dll but the next call contain a ADD [DS:EAX],AL and I have an
acess violation on this instruction. As the "execute command" 
payload works correctly and I am redirecting the execution flow exactly
at the begining of the payload I really dont know what is going wrong.
Is there anyone who could tell me what the problem is? I should add
that I am using msweb to generate and encode the payload but I use my
own python script to send it to the vulnerable program. Is there any
register initialization that should be done before executing these
payloads? Last thing to say is that my own download and execute payload

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