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Framework SDK 2.5 doubts

From: 0x0804 at (curious one)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 13:32:06 +0400

EIP is being over written completely. The reason exploit is borking is
because it is returning to a string of 'A' because I could not locate the
nop sled. If we  look at the exploit providede in we can see that
a ries of 'A's shall prceed the return addtress i.e.

# You call GetLocal for Advanced options, unlike calling GetVar above
  my $evil = 'A' x $self->GetLocal('PreRetLength');
  $evil .= pack('V', $ret) x int($self->GetLocal('RetLength') / 4);
  $evil .= $shellcode;

Though we are specifying a minimum of 16 nops i.e.
 'MinNops'   => 16, # This keeps brute forcing sane

I can not locate this sled anywhere near the return address string. Lookimg
at the gdb dump I can locate
0xbf87ea30:     0x41414141      0x41414141      0x41414141      0x41414141
0xbf87ea40:     0x41414141      0x41414141      0x41414141      0x41414141
0xbf87ea50:     0x41414141      0x41414141      0x41414141      0x41414141
0xbf87ea60:     0x41414141      0x41414141      0x41414141      0x41414141
0xbf87ea70:     0x41414141      0xbfb17b30      0xbfb17b30      0xbfb17b30
<----------------------return address
0xbf87ea80:     0xbfb17b30      0xbfb17b30      0xbfb17b30      0xbfb17b30
0xbf87ea90:     0xbfb17b30      0x42414246      0x90924191      0x49464ef8

So, thats the part of the problem.I can not see my shellcode.there is a a
sled of 'A's then the return address.. where did the sheccoded and minnops
16 go?

I apologize for sounding like a n00b, but I am one :-)


On 4/7/06, Sahir Hidayatullah <sahirh at> wrote:

 First check whether you're overwriting the saved EIP with the right
number of bytes. You can figure out the exact length of your buffer using
PatternCreate() in conjunction with from the SDK
directory. If you're sure you're overwriting EIP completely, look at the
address that you're returning to and ensure that your nops lie there. From
what I understood, you picked an address among a series of 'A's, if you
return into a string of 'A's, they will not be valid instructions and your
exploit will bork.



*From:* curious one [mailto:0x0804 at]
*Sent:* Thursday, April 06, 2006 5:37 PM
*To:* framework at
*Subject:* [framework] Framework SDK 2.5 doubts


I am a n00b here. I was trying to learn remote exploitation using
metasploit's documentation. I used the sdk and the prog vuln1.c as target.
I followed the first part where we find the offsets and locate the return
address accordingly. My problem is when I am trying it with
exploit module my return addres is never right

Everytime I try a return address i get this :

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xbfb247cf in ?? ()

I do a x/200x $esp-256 in gdb and I can see a 'A' sled. i choose an
address in that address and run teh exploit again still I end up with just a
dos and my payload is not getting through at all. Any help on that???

I am using Slax (backtrack if you please), gcc 3.3.5, kernel .

All help will be appriciated.


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