Metasploit mailing list archives

Winamp Playlist UNC Path Computer Name Overflow

From: thegnome at (Simple Nomad)
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 10:26:38 -0600

On the subject of "beta" exploit modules - at any given time I have a
half-dozen exploits sitting around that are not pushed to the web site.
The biggest reason is reliability, we try not to include any module that
doesn't consistently pass our own testing. I have been thinking about
ways to address this and wondered if a new option to 'msfupdate' to pull
download 'beta' modules would be useful to anyone?

Maybe a -b option on msfupdate which does a regular update as well as pulling 
down beta code? The -u update would have to know which exploits are beta as 
well to overwrite the beta ones with new stable versions. Maybe including 
(beta) in the Name as well.

The problem is you guys will still get dorks saying "this beta AIX sploit 
doesn't work on my Linux target, plz fix" regardless of it saying beta or 

# Simple Nomad, C?ISSP  --  thegnome at        #
# C1B1 E749 25DF 867C 36D4  1E14 247A A4BD 6838 F11D #
#                     #
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