Metasploit mailing list archives

msfupdate failure

From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 13:36:34 -0500

The problem has been identified. HTTP responses that use chunked transfers 
will prevent msfupdate from working correctly. A new version will be 
available soon that addresses this problem. Thanks for reporting it, it 
was a combination of dumb-luck and response size that kept this from 
being a blocking problem for most users. Hopefully we can have a 2.5 
release ready by early next week ;-)


On Thursday 04 August 2005 12:51, Ron Rosson wrote:
The below error is what I get when I try to run msfupdate -u. Does
anyone know what maybe causing this and what would be the best way to
go about fixing it. (NO files have been edited.)


Ron Rosson
ron at

[0] ron at Witchblade:framework-2.4% msfupdate -
u                                                     [11:14:06]

+ -- --=[ msfupdate v2.4 [revision 1.39]

[*] Calculating local file checksums, please wait...

[*] Online Update Task Summary

         Update: ./msfweb

Continue? (yes or no) > yes

[*] Starting online update of 2 file(s)...

: 1cf952ba9350b04dba3bb8ddd4313454 != d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

[*] Failed to update : download failed

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