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From: andre.ludwig at (Andre Ludwig)
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 11:48:13 -0400

My take on the why ruby question..



seriously, the developers are the ones who put the late nights in to
this AWESOME tool, they should be able to change what ever the hell
they want when ever the hell they want to. If it makes their life
easier, then fuck yes they should change to ruby.  If you dont like it
may i suggest building your own damn tools and releasing them to the
world.  With that being said, i think everyone involved in this
project is top notch that being said (and since i havent added shit
but random rants, some bullshit here and there and a quick jab or two)
on to ruby we shall march.

You guys going to redo msfweb in ruby on rails?

and sorry (can you smell the bullshit? i can) for the aggresive tone,
still recovering from vegas and my 5am arrival.

and miller, i say fuckem, put up the first part of my email, that
should be answer nuff.


On 8/2/05, mmiller at <mmiller at> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 03:07:01PM +0200, Sebastiaan Veenstra wrote:

I'm currently working on some kind of penetration framework. So far,
I've implemented the program in Perl. But recently I noticed the new
metasploit version will be implemented in Ruby instead of Perl. Can
someone tell me why this switch of language will be taken?

We've gotten a lot of questions of this nature.  We're planning on
putting a "Why Ruby?" answer section on the website at some point in the
future to save time in having to repeat ourselves :)

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