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Idea for a new payload : Manipulate Internet Explorer with OLE AUTOMATION

From: eip at (eip)
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 12:09:46 -0500

The OLE/IE automation that ALLAIN was talking about can be found here:

Basically they use IE to go and fetch pages from one of there servers. The
pages they control tell the client what to do. The reason they use IE is so
that they can bypass client side firewalls/IPSs. I think SecurityFriday
initially found this techinique and present it at BlackHat
( a few years ago. They have a
program called IE'en. It allows you to remotely watch and/or control
someones Internet Explorer. It is kind of like an Internet Explorer sniffer
of sorts.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <mmiller at>
To: "ALLAIN Yann" <Yann.Allain at>
Cc: "H D Moore" <hdm at>; <framework at>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: [framework] Idea for a new payload : Manipulate Internet
Explorer with OLE AUTOMATION

On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 01:14:58PM +0100, ALLAIN Yann wrote:
May i suggest you a new payloads : Manipulate IE in OLE AUTOMATION to
create an outbound tunnel on http. Like the Setiri Troyan of SENSEPOST
or the GASPER troyan from rstack group.

I'm not familiar with the approach they used (couldn't find reference to
it on google).  It seems like using OLE automation to create an HTTP
tunnel may be a bit overkill, but I would be curious to see their
approach.  Why not just use the WININET API (InternetConnectA,
InternetOpenUrlA)?  This API even has the advantage of transparently
using any proxy that has been defined for Internet Explorer, though if
the proxy requires credentials you will have to provide them (which you
can do via InternetSetOptionA).

I will try to inject DLL that manipulate IE in OLE with your marvelous
Meterpreter. But could you give me your feedback of this payloads
(feasibility,  stability, and so one)

The usefulness of the outbound HTTP tunnel would be to bypass outbound
firewall restrictions and transparent HTTP proxies, or so I assume.
The problem is that in order to upload the DLL to the target machine,
some sort of connection has to be established (reverse connect, port
bind, findsock), or in this case an HTTP tunnel.  Since the HTTP tunnel
would have to be established before the DLL that is to create the HTTP
tunnel can be uploaded, you have a cart before the horse issue.

In order to make this work you would need a first stage payload that
connects via HTTP to the attacking machine (or some other intermediate
machine) and downloads a second stage payload.  The second stage payload
would then handle the creation and management of the HTTP tunnel to the
attacker, at which point you could implement a specialized second stage
HTTP tunneling payload to download and inject a DLL.

While it may be possible to write custom payloads that are capable of
using an HTTP tunnel, all of the existing second stage payloads
in the framework that require a valid socket will not be able to work
with them.  The reason for this is that the second stage payloads assume
that they are being passed a stream-based socket that can be passed to
functions like ws2_32!recv.  This is not the case when using an HTTP
tunnel since you don't have a true streaming connection (more of a
response).  While it is possible to emulate a streaming connection using
HTTP/1.1 KeepAlive with multiple request/response inside the same
HTTP connection, the second stage payloads will still not work without
an intermediate socket that is truly streaming (such as a local TCP
abstraction layer between the second stage payload and the HTTP
tunneling payload).

We've considered writing first stage payloads that use valid HTTP
request/response formats in the past and may still do this in the
future.  Though, as I've identified, it is a challenge to create truly
streaming HTTP tunnels due to the nature of the protocol itself.
In the end, some form of abstraction is required if one hopes to
use valid HTTP request/responses between the target machine and the
attacker and still retain compatibility with other payloads that assume
they are dealing with a truly streaming connection.

So, to summarize, an HTTP tunneling payload is indeed feasible and could
be made stable, but the subtle complexities of making a stream-based
abstraction to the non-stream-based HTTP tunnel make the problem more
complicated than it would otherwise seem.  Now, after that explanation,
I hope I didn't miss the point of your question, but if I did let me
know. :)

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