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Metasploit pen testing questions

From: regence21 at (Regence 21)
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 22:38:46 +0000

I am using the latest Metasploit to do some pen testing on a test network - 
thanks for such a great tool!

Generally it works great but I have some simple questions that I can't find 
answers to.

On Win2k I can get a reverse shell easily and execute commands, but if I try 
and start the Windows command line ftp client won't work (the command line 
just sits there after I enter ftp). Am I missing something? Without ftp, 
what is the easiest way to upload a file to a Win2k target host?

On Linux I can't find any exploits that work. I tried the two Samba and the 
Squid exploits and I am running the correct versions from an old Red Hat 
release, but I never see a reverse shell connection work like it does on 

I'd appreciate any pointers on Linux exploits that work with Metasploit.

Also, I couldn't find a good reference to what all the payloads do, 
especially the new and/or non-obvious ones.



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