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VNC payloads

From: ramatkal at (RaMatkal)
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 10:39:47 +0200

Im having a few probs with VNC payloads..... 

Running updated framework 2.2 on Fedora Core 2. I've tried running various exploits(DCOM & LSASS) using the VNC bind & 
reverse payloads against a win2k SP3 machine runnnig on VMWare. 

I set LHOST & RHOST and use the default options (AUTOVNC=1) however the vnc viewer never launches. 

Metasploit gives ouput like the following: 
starting reverse handler 
detected a windows 2000 target 
sending 8 DCE request fragments 
sending the final DCE fragment 
Got connections from XXXX 
sending stage (2893 bytes) 
Sleeping before sending dll 
uploading DLL to memory, please wait 
VNC proxy listening on port 5900 

Then i get a "Metasploit courtesy shell(TM)" on the exploited Win2k SP3 machine?? 

Do the VNC payloads work running from a linux machine?? 

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