Information Security News mailing list archives

CRYPTO-GRAM, July 15, 2003

From: InfoSec News <isn () c4i org>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 02:44:55 -0500 (CDT)

Forwarded from: Bruce Schneier <schneier () counterpane com>


                 July 15, 2003

               by Bruce Schneier
                Founder and CTO
       Counterpane Internet Security, Inc.
            schneier () counterpane com

A free monthly newsletter providing summaries, analyses, insights, and 
commentaries on computer security and cryptography.

Back issues are available at 
<>.  To subscribe, visit 
<> or send a blank message 
to crypto-gram-subscribe () chaparraltree com.

Copyright (c) 2003 by Counterpane Internet Security, Inc.

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In this issue:
      How to Fight
      The Doghouse: YTech
      More E-mail Filtering Idiocy
      Counterpane News
      Security Notes from All Over: Red Wine
      Password Safe
      Crying Wolf
      Comments from Readers

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                    How to Fight

I landed in Los Angeles at 11:30 PM, and it took me another hour to get 
to my hotel.  The city was booked, and I was lucky to get a reservation 
where I did.  When I checked in, the clerk insisted on making a 
photocopy of my driver's license.  I tried fighting, but it was no 
use.  I needed the hotel room.  There was nowhere else I could go.  The 
night clerk didn't really care if he rented the room to me or not.  He 
had rules to follow, and he was going to follow them.

My wife needed a prescription filled.  Her doctor called it in to a 
local pharmacy, and when she went to pick it up the pharmacist refused 
to fill it unless she disclosed her personal information for his 
database.  The pharmacist even showed my wife the rule book.  She found 
the part where it said that "a reasonable effort must be made by the 
pharmacy to obtain, record, and maintain at least the following 
information," and the part where is said: "If a patient does not want a 
patient profile established, the patient shall state it in writing to 
the pharmacist.  The pharmacist shall not then be required to prepare a 
profile as otherwise would be required by this part."  Despite this, 
the pharmacist refused.  My wife was stuck.  She needed the 
prescription filled.  She didn't want to wait the few hours for her 
doctor to phone the prescription in somewhere else.  The pharmacist 
didn't care; he wasn't going to budge.

I had to travel to Japan last year, and found a company that rented 
local cell phones to travelers.  The form required either a Social 
Security number or a passport number.  When I asked the clerk why, he 
said the absence of either sent up red flags.  I asked how he could 
tell a real-looking fake number from an actual number.  He said that if 
I didn't care to provide the number as requested, I could rent my cell 
phone elsewhere, and hung up on me.  I went through another company to 
rent, but it turned out that they contracted through this same company, 
and the man declined to deal with me, even at a remove.  I eventually 
got the cell phone by going back to the first company and giving a 
different name (my wife's), a different credit card, and a made-up 
passport number.  Honor satisfied all around, I guess.

It's stupid security season.  If you've flown on an airplane, entered a 
government building, or done any one of dozens of other things, you've 
encountered security systems that are invasive, counterproductive, 
egregious, or just plain annoying.  You've met people -- guards, 
officials, minimum-wage workers -- who blindly force you to follow the 
most inane security rules imaginable.

Is there anything you can do?

In the end, all security is a negotiation among affected players: 
governments, industries, companies, organizations, individuals, 
etc.  The players get to decide what security they want, and what 
they're willing to trade off in order to get it.  But it sometimes 
seems that we as individuals are not part of that 
negotiation.  Security is more something that is done to us.

Our security largely depends on the actions of others and the 
environment we're in.  For example, the tamper resistance of food 
packaging depends more on government packaging regulations than on our 
purchasing choices.  The security of a letter mailed to a friend 
depends more on the ethics of the workers who handle it than on the 
brand of envelope we choose to use.  How safe an airplane is from being 
blown up has little to do with our actions at the airport and while on 
the plane.  (Shoe-bomber Richard Reid provided the rare exception to 
this.)  The security of the money in our bank accounts, the crime rate 
in our neighborhoods, and the honesty and integrity of our police 
departments are out of our direct control.  We simply don't have enough 
power in the negotiations to make a difference.

I had no leverage when trying to check in without giving up a photocopy 
of my driver's license.  My wife had no leverage when she tried to fill 
her prescription without divulging a bunch of optional personal 
information.  The only reason I had leverage renting a phone in Japan 
was because I deliberately sneaked around the system.  If I try to 
protest airline security, I'm definitely going to miss my flight and I 
might get myself arrested.  There's no parity, because those who 
implement the security have no interest in changing it and no power to 
do so.  They're not the ones who control the security system; it's best 
to think of them as nearly mindless robots.  (The security system 
relies on them behaving this way, replacing the flexibility and 
adaptability of human judgment with a three-ring binder of "best 
practices" and procedures.)

It would be different if the pharmacist were the owner of the pharmacy, 
or if the person behind the registration desk owned the hotel.  Or even 
if the policeman were a neighborhood beat cop.  In those cases, there's 
more parity.  I can negotiate my security, and he can decide whether or 
not to modify the rules for me.  But modern society is more often 
faceless corporations and mindless governments.  It's implemented by 
people and machines that have enormous power, but only power to 
implement what they're told to implement.  And they have no real 
interest in negotiating.  They don't need to.  They don't care.

But there's a paradox.  We're not only individuals; we're also 
consumers, citizens, taxpayers, voters, and -- if things get bad enough 
-- protestors and sometimes even angry mobs.  Only in the aggregate do 
we have power, and the more we organize, the more power we have.

Even an airline president, while making his way through airport 
security, has no power to negotiate the level of security he'll receive 
and the tradeoffs he's willing to make.  In an airport and on an 
airplane, we're all nothing more than passengers: an asset to be 
protected from a potential attacker.  The only way to change security 
is to step outside the system and negotiate with the people in 
charge.  It's only outside the system that each of us has power: 
sometimes as an asset owner, but more often as another player.  And it 
is outside the system that we will do our best negotiating.

Outside the system we have power, and outside the system we can 
negotiate with the people who have power over the security system we 
want to change.  After my hotel stay, I wrote to the hotel management 
and told them that I was never staying there again.  (Unfortunately, I 
am collecting an ever-longer list of hotels I will never stay in 
again.)  My wife has filed a complaint against that pharmacist with the 
Minnesota Board of Pharmacy.  John Gilmore has gone further: he hasn't 
flown since 9/11, and is suing the government for the constitutional 
right to fly within the U.S. without showing a photo ID.

Three points about fighting back.  First, one-on-one negotiations -- 
customer and pharmacy owner, for example -- can be effective, but they 
also allow all kinds of undesirable factors like class and race to 
creep in.  It's unfortunate but true that I'm a lot more likely to 
engage in a successful negotiation with a policeman than a black person 
is.  For this reason, more stylized complaints or protests are often 
more effective than one-on-one negotiations.

Second, naming and shaming doesn't work.  Just as it doesn't make sense 
to negotiate with a clerk, it doesn't make sense to insult 
him.  Instead say: I know you didn't make the rule, but if the people 
who did ever ask you how it's going, tell them the customers think the 
rule is stupid and insulting and ineffective."   While it's very hard 
to change one institution's mind when it is in the middle of a fight, 
it is possible to affect the greater debate.  Other companies are 
making the same security decisions; they need to know that it's not 

Third, don't forget the political process.  Elections matter; political 
pressure by elected officials on corporations and government agencies 
has a real impact.  One of the most effective forms of protest is to 
vote for candidates who share your ideals.

The more we band together, the more power we have.  A large-scale 
boycott of businesses that demand photo IDs would bring about a 
change.  (Conference organizers have more leverage with hotels than 
individuals.  The USENIX conferences won't use hotels that demand ID 
from guests, for example.)  A large group of single-issue voters 
supporting candidates who worked against stupid security would make a 

Sadly, I believe things will get much worse before they get 
better.  Many people seem not to be bothered by stupid security; it 
even makes some feel safer.  In the U.S., people are now used to 
showing their ID everywhere; it's the new security reality 
post-9/11.  They're used to intrusive security, and they believe those 
who say that it's necessary.

It's important that we pick our battles.  My guess is that most of the 
effort fighting stupid security is wasted.  No hotel has changed its 
practice because of my strongly worded letters or loss of 
business.  Gilmore's suit will, unfortunately, probably lose in 
court.  My wife will probably make that pharmacist's life miserable for 
a while, but the practice will probably continue at that chain 
pharmacy.  If I need a cell phone in Japan again, I'll use the same 
workaround.  Fighting might brand you as a troublemaker, which might 
lead to more trouble.

Still, we can make a difference.  Gilmore's suit is generating all 
sorts of press, and raising public awareness.  The Boycott Delta 
campaign had a real impact: passenger profiling is being revised 
because of public complaints.  And due to public outrage, Poindexter's 
Terrorism (Total) Information Awareness program, while not out of 
business, is looking shaky.

When you see counterproductive, invasive, or just plain stupid 
security, don't let it slip by.  Write the letter.  Create a Web 
site.  File a FOIA request.  Make some noise.  You don't have to join 
anything; noise need not be more than individuals standing up for 

You don't win every time.  But you do win sometimes.

Privacy International's Stupid Security Awards:

Stupid Security Blog:

Companies Cry 'Security' to Get A Break From the Government:

Gilmore's suit:

Relevant Minnesota pharmacist rules:

How you can help right now:

Tell Congress to Get Airline Security Plan Under Control!

TIA Update: Ask Your Senators to Support the Data-Mining Moratorium Act 
of 2003!

Congress Takes Aim at Your Privacy

Total Information Awareness: Public Hearings Now!

Don't Let the INS Violate Your Privacy

Demand the NCIC Database Be Accurate

Citizens' Guide to the FOIA

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               The Doghouse: YTech

YTech has the ShadowX algorithm.  It's proprietary to the company, of 
course.  This kind of thing is nothing new, and normally I wouldn't 
bother.  But this sentence has me really worried: "Two modes of 
encryption 'Self Mode' and 'Key mode.'"  Um, how secure can it possibly 
be if there isn't a key?


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          More E-Mail Filtering Idiocy

I use Postini as a spam filter.  Postini automatically scans all of my 
incoming e-mail.  Anything it considers spam it shunts to another 
mailbox, which I check occasionally.  There I can quickly scan my spam 
for legitimate e-mail, and specify certain e-mail addresses as ones 
that should be allowed rather than shunted.  It's a good system.  I see 
almost no spam anymore.

Not everyone else has such a nice spam filter.  Crypto-Gram is fighting 
a seemingly endless battle against filters of various sorts.  There are 
people who simply can't get this newsletter because it is tagged as 
spam or porn.  (I don't think anyone on MSN gets Crypto-Gram anymore, 
for example.)  Most of the time I never hear about this, but 
occasionally I get error messages back from corporate filters.  Some of 
them are entertaining.

Some filters block Crypto-Gram if it is larger than 50K.  Once, a 
filter blocked an issue that used the term "ILOVEYOU."  Another was 
returned with the following message: "Body contains word(s)/phrase(s) 
'bomb, gun.'"  Another filter blocked an issue because the words "blow" 
and "job" appeared in the e-mail, even though they were in different 
paragraphs.  The most recent issue was blocked by one filter because it 
contained more than two links to Geocities Web sites.  (It seems that 
many Geocities Web sites are pornographic.)  The same issue was also 
blocked by another filter for containing unspecified "dirty words"; the 
person involved pointed out that the same filter didn't block penis 
enlargement spam.

Sadly, the above paragraph will trigger all the same spam filters, so 
the people who don't get Crypto-Gram because of them will not get this 
issue either, and hence will never know why.  And my stories pale in 
comparison to Neil Gaiman's experience with the spam filter at DC 
Comics, publisher of Sandman.  It seems that the filter automatically 
blocked all e-mail containing the word "Sandman" without informing 
either the sender or the receiver.  Gaiman was unable to communicate 
with his publisher about his own writing.

The EFF's position on spam filters is: "Any measure for stopping spam 
must ensure that all non-spam messages reach their intended 
recipients."  It's a laudable goal, but one that's very difficult to 
implement in practice.  Newsletters like Crypto-Gram are 
problematic.  I know that everyone who gets my newsletter has 
subscribed, but how does any filter know that?  I send 80,000 of these 
out every month; the only difference between me and a spammer is that 
my recipients asked to receive this e-mail.  But I'm sure that some of 
my recipients don't remember subscribing.  To them, Crypto-Gram is 
unsolicited e-mail: spam.

Despite my personal difficulties with sending out Crypto-Gram, I have a 
lot of sympathy for spam filters.  There's a lot of "throwing the baby 
out with the bathwater" going on, but the bathwater is so foul that 
many companies don't mind the occasional loss of baby.  The spam 
problem is so bad that draconian solutions are the only workable ones 
right now.

EFF on spam filters:
l.html> or <>

Neil Gaiman's story:
7127> or <>

Original article on e-mail filtering idiocy:

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Another DDOS variant:

British cryptanalysis work against Russian ciphers during World War II:
e02.xml> or <>

Spammers are using Trojans to take over home PCs:

Long, but good, article on homeland security:

Erroneous timestamps on ATM withdrawals result in the arrest of three 

June 25th was the 100th anniversary of George Orwell's birth.

For years I've been saying that securing data in servers is much harder 
than securing data in transit, and that encryption is an irrelevant 
security technology in many situations.  Here's another essay that 
makes similar points:

A new California law requires companies to report security breaches:
reveal_security_breaches+.shtml> or <>

In the days after 9/11, lots of people took advantage of malfunctioning 
cash machines and stole millions.
n=news&thesubsection=world> or <>

Vulnerability management.  With so many out there, you have to prioritize.

Web privacy policies confuse more than they enlighten, according to a 
survey.  This is hardly surprising; I kind of figured confusion was the 

It took just one week for the new Harry Potter book to be available online:

Security through diversity.  Remember that this only works if your 
system is as secure as the union of the security of the diverse 
subsystems.  If your system is as secure as the intersection of the 
security of the diverse subsystems, then diversity is going to hurt 
rather than help.

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                Counterpane News

Counterpane had an excellent second quarter.  Read about it here:

Bruce Schneier is delivering the keynote speech at BlackHat: 7/31 at 
8:00 AM in Las Vegas.

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     Security Notes from All Over: Red Wine

"Some women dining out in Tegucigalpa's fancier restaurants always 
order red rather than white wine, I was told.  That way, if a robber 
comes in with a gun, they can discreetly drop their rings and earrings 
into the wine glass where they will not be spotted as they would be in 
a glass of white."

This idea intrigues me.  It's a simple security countermeasure, and one 
likely to be effective in a quick and stressful robbery.  But why is 
wine required?  Couldn't the women equally effectively use their 
napkins, their blouse, or the floor?  I suppose moving to sip wine is a 
more natural, and therefor less noticed, maneuver.  And I wonder if 
restaurants might start offering a cheap house red just for this purpose.


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                  Password Safe

Password Safe 1.92b is available.

Many computer users today have to keep track of dozens of passwords: 
for network accounts, online services, premium Web sites.  Some write 
their passwords on a piece of paper, leaving their accounts vulnerable 
to thieves or in-house snoops.  Others choose the same password for 
different applications, which makes life easy for intruders of all 
kinds.  Password Safe is a free Windows utility (originally developed 
at Counterpane Labs) that allows users to keep their passwords securely 
encrypted on their computers.  A single Safe Combination -- just one 
thing to remember -- unlocks them all.

Password Safe has always been free, but it only become open source last 
year.  This April, Rony Shapiro took charge of the project.  (Applause 
and accolades.)  He's released a new version, based on work by a small 
team of volunteers.

Password Safe 1.92 has a number of small improvements, all of which 
make it easier to use and more customizable to each user's 
preferences.  The changes include: resizable main window, displaying 
username and notes in main window, ability to search the database for a 
given string, listing last database opened, ability to define generated 
password policies, ability to pass the name of a database via command 
line.  The Release Notes list all the changes in gory detail.

If you're a user of Password Safe 1.7 (the most recent version 
available on the Counterpane Web site), you'll have no trouble going 
back and forth with the same database.

Password Safe 2.0 is currently under development.  The significant new 
features are: an ability to organize passwords in hierarchical view, 
portability to other platforms (PocketPC, Linux, Palm, probably in that 
order), and an extensible database format (meaning that they will be 
able to add more features easily).  The overall goal is to keep 
Password Safe a small and simple application.

As with any open source non-commercial project, schedules are 
fluid.  Right now, the end of this year is a good conservative estimate 
for a non-beta 2.0 release.

Password Safe Web site:

Download Password Safe 1.92b:
ownload> or <>

Discussions on Password Safe 2.0:

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                    Crying Wolf

On July 2, both the U.S. government and ISS (a company that sells 
computer security products) sent out a story about something called the 
"Defacers Challenge."  Supposedly thousands of Web sites would be 
defaced on July 6 as part of some game.  The press picked the story up, 
and soon it was international news.  At Counterpane we discounted it as 
nonsense, but when our customers started calling us we put out an advisory.

July 6 came and went; nothing happened.  My guess is that it was all a 

Not that we could do anything if something did happen.  Most of the 
news reports and advisories told people to make sure their security was 
up to date and their patches current.  That's good advice any day of 
the year.  Worrying about July 6 didn't make it less likely that Web 
sites would get attacked.

For years, the security industry has tried to survive on FUD: fear, 
uncertainty, and doubt.  The basic idea is that if you scare your 
potential customers, they're going to buy your products.  (Greed and 
fear are two major human motivators, and both are exploited endlessly 
by corporate -- and government -- marketers.)  The problem is that FUD 
only works for a while.  Eventually people realize that there's nothing 
to be scared about.  Eventually people ignore the warnings.  And when 
that happens, they ignore the real warnings as well as the hyped ones.

FUD is hard to prevent.  Even those of us who knew better had to deal 
with the Defacers Challenge story.  A few reporters covered it because 
it's kind of a cool story, and then everyone else had to follow.  I 
remember talking to one reporter.  He said that he ignored the story at 
first, realizing that it was FUD.  But when other papers picked it up, 
his editor demanded that he write about it, too.  It didn't matter that 
it wasn't real news; it was news solely because it was reported elsewhere.

And in a weird way, the reporting made the threat real.  Thousands of 
would-be Web site defacers, who would never have heard about the 
Defacers Challenge read about it in the newspapers.  "Sounds like fun," 
they might have thought.

Recently I've read several articles about why the computer security 
industry is in the doldrums.  People, it seems, are not buying the new 
cool security products.  There are half a dozen reasons for this, but 
FUD is a big one.  We have threatened customers with the big bad 
nasties of the Internet.  We have promised customers that -- this time 
for sure -- our products would solve their problems.  But guess 
what?  Customers have gotten cynical.  They've noticed that it isn't 
all that bad out there.  And they've noticed that they have problems 
whether or not they buy the products.

Here's my hint to anyone trying to sell computer security: demonstrate 
value.  Demonstrate ROI.  Demonstrate that your product enables 
customers to manage their risk better.  FUD doesn't work anymore.  It 
doesn't sell anything, and it pisses off your potential customers.

Unfortunately, the U.S. government is going to have to learn this same 
lesson.  Since 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security has elevated 
the terrorist threat level to Orange twice (I think).  Every time, we 
were told to be on our guard, but go about out business.  And every 
time, nothing happened.

Terrorist attacks are rare, and if the color-threat level changes 
willy-nilly with no obvious cause or effect, then people will simply 
stop paying attention.  And the threat levels are publicly known, so 
any terrorist with a lick of sense will simply wait until the threat 
level goes down.

The U.S. military has a similar system; DEFCON 1-5 corresponds to the 
five threat alerts levels: Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, and Red.  The 
difference is that the DEFCON system is tied to particular procedures; 
military units have specific actions they need to perform every time 
the DEFCON level goes up or down.  The color-alert system, on the other 
hand, is not tied to any specific actions.  People are left to worry, 
or are given nonsensical instructions to buy plastic sheeting and duct 
tape.  Even local police departments and government organizations 
largely have no idea what to do when the threat level changes.

The threat levels actually do more harm than good, by needlessly 
creating fear and confusion (which is an objective of terrorists) and 
anesthetizing people to future alerts and warnings.  If the color-alert 
system became something better defined, so that people knew exactly 
what caused the levels to change, what the change meant, and what 
actions they needed to tak e in the event of a change, then it could be 
useful.  But even then, the real measure of effectiveness is in the 
implementation.  There has to be some measurable result, even if there 
is no actual attack.  You can only cry wolf so many times before people 
ignore you.

Note:  One excellent Web source for uncovering FUD has been 
Vmyths.  For years, Vmyths has been a voice of reason in the security 
community.  Now the site may close down because it can't support 
itself.  If you're a company looking for a *good* PR boost, consider 
taking over this site.

News articles before:
731> or <>

News articles after:
1,00.html?nas=SEC-82811> or <>

Counterpane's alert:

Vmyths alert on the Defacers Challenge:

Vmyths may disappear:

What the government thinks those threat levels mean:

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               Comments from Readers

From: Rob Lemos <robert.lemos () cnet com>
Subject: Cyberterrorism

Whenever I talk about cyberterrorism, I point out that the Queensland 
consultant, Vitek Boden, released 1 million liters of pollution into an 
estuary that was cleaned up in a week.  A couple of months later, a 
bird landed on a transformer in the Ohio River valley, blew itself and 
the transformer up, and released about 2.5 million gallons (call it 10 
million liters) of sewage into the river.

So it seems that we should be more worried about birds than 
hackers.  Or to be less cheeky, physical attacks than Internet attacks.

From: "Allan Dyer" <adyer () yuikee com hk>
Subject: Teaching Viruses

It is not the teaching of how exploits, viruses, and worms work that is 
the problem.  It is the unnecessary creation of self-replicating 
code.  We need more people who understand viruses and how to combat 
them, but it is not necessary to create a virus to understand 
them.  Additionally, knowing how to create a virus is nowhere near the 
complete skill set needed to combat them.  Combined with the inherent 
dangers of self-replicating code this makes virus writing practicals 
unnecessary and unethical.

The inherent dangers are a result of three properties of 
self-replicating code: generality, range of effect, and 
persistence  These change how we need to think about security.  In 
particular, if the precautions taken to prevent escape of the code from 
the secure laboratory fail, then there is no pre-determined limit on 
how much damage it can cause, or how long it can survive.  As we know 
there are no absolute guarantees in security, the course organiser 
should therefore minimise the potential for damage by supplying 
anti-virus developers with samples of all the viruses created.  One 
University class of new viruses each year (say, 50 viruses) is not 
going to make a big difference to the total number of new viruses -- 
there are currently at least 50,000 known types.  However, if this is a 
good and useful course, then every University, world-wide, should have 
a similar course and we could see 50,000 new viruses a year, just from 
those courses.

So, is it possible to study viruses and worms without creating 
them?  The feature that differentiates a virus from other programs is 
modifying other programs to include a copy of itself, but, in terms of 
studying techniques and understanding, what is the difference between:

i) modify program A to include a copy of program B.

ii) modify program A to include a copy of yourself.

Would the student's understanding of the techniques involved be reduced 
if he wrote a program to do (i) instead of (ii)?  How do they compare 
in terms of safety?  The program from (i) could be used by a miscreant 
to modify programs, perhaps creating Trojans with bad effects wherever 
the miscreant introduced the Trojans.  The program from (ii) is a 
virus, and, as noted above, capable of spreading indefinitely, 
modifying other programs with unknown results.  So: (i) is a tool that, 
when used with intent to damage can cause harm -- no worse than an axe, 
(ii) can spread like wildfire from a single accident or careless 
incident.  A dropped cigarette butt and an axe can both destroy a 
forest, but one takes a lot more work and intent.  So, new infection 
methods can be examined by creating programs that create arbitrary 
programs -- making it self replicating is not necessary for 
understanding the technique.

Universities should be teaching students how to work and research 
safely and ethically.  Undergraduate medical students don't cut up live 
people, they learn anatomy cutting up dead people.  When I was learning 
microbiology and genetic engineering, we learnt about containment of 
our experiments, how to sterilise our equipment, before and after, and 
safe disposal of the cultures.  Computer science students should be 
learning how to research computer viruses without creating them.

We do need to teach this stuff, but that does not require virus writing 
practicals, just as police officer training does not require murder 
practicals.  Understanding self-replicating code is different from 
writing it.  In fact, reverse engineering is a much more important 
skill for an anti-virus researcher -- when presented with an unknown 
program, how do you work out everything it does, without inadvertently 
allowing it to cause damage or escape.

I hope that makes it clearer why it is not necessary for students to 
write viruses, and why it is not responsible to do so.  Many anti-virus 
researchers have a similar opinion, as can be seen from this open letter:


The signatories are not just anti-virus vendor insiders; many are from 
major players in the IT industry, and IT users, including commercial 
and academic organisations.  The University of Calgary has its academic 
freedom, but it should consider the reasons why so many of its peers, 
and those in the field it claims it is serving, object before proceeding.

From: Paul Kocher <paul () cryptography com>
Subject: Attacking VMs Using Memory Errors

At the end of your comment on the above topic, you write: "Now that the 
attack is known, it can easily be prevented.  Simple measures like 
parity checking or error-correcting codes can defeat this technique."

Glitching attacks have been known for a long time (this is a creative 
example of one), and have proven extremely difficult to prevent.  Error 
correction helps, but often just forces the attacker to whack the 
target harder until an error slips through.  Error detection can also 
be helpful, but creates a new problem: reduced reliability.  These 
approaches are well suited to RAM, but are much more difficult to apply 
to processors and other portions can be glitched.

Finally, the suggestion that the problem will be fixed because it is 
known is also optimistic.  Some vendors will do a great job, but others 
will ignore it completely unless their customers actually start 
defecting because of the problem.

From: George Robert Blakley III <blakley () us ibm com>
Subject:  Coins at Football Matches

When I was growing up in Buffalo, I used to go watch the Sabres play 
hockey.  They weren't very good then, but they sure had mean 
fans.  When a particularly despised opponent (e.g. the Boston Bruins) 
would come to town, fans would take coins from their pockets, heat them 
up by holding them in their hands for a minute or two, and throw them 
into the rink.  Since the players wore lots of pads, helmets, etc..., 
it wasn't likely that a coin was going to injure a player by impact, 
but that wasn't the point.  The point was much more subtle -- a warm 
coin will sink into ice a bit, at which point it becomes a significant 
impediment to the progress of an ice skate.  Sometimes it took 30 or 40 
minutes to get the pennies out of the ice and Zamboni the surface.

From: "Owen Minns" <Owen () oakspan com>
Subject: Self-destructing DVDs

You suggest that the technology "solved the problem of needing an 
infrastructure to process DVD returns."  In the US, perhaps, but does 
not globally absolve Disney of this responsibility.  This system might 
work in the US, where Disney and other companies can still convince 
consumers to buy expensive packaging and products that become garbage 
after a few days, but in the EU, progress has dictated that producers 
assume greater responsibility for the full life-cycle of their 
products, including recycling/disposal.  Presumably Disney will be 
responsible for the management and disposal of "former-DVDs" in that 
more rational jurisdiction.

One would hope that a company with the resources of Disney could 
develop reliable security measures without generating even more waste!

From: Greg Jennings <gjennings () mail communica com>
Subject: Telephoning Account Data

Your link to the DirecTV story (Hacking customer privacy in DirecTV) in 
the June 15, 2003 Crypto-Gram reminded me of how a store clerk and an 
accomplice can get credit card information.

I once purchased an expensive item with my Visa card.  The computer 
apparently instructed the clerk to call Visa and then hand me the 
phone.  The Visa representative had me verify my home phone and 
mother's maiden name and the allowed the transaction to go through.

However, and it did not occur to me at the time, I had no way of 
verifying that the person on the other end of the phone was from Visa! 
It could just as easily been someone in the back room or anywhere else 
for that matter.

[This is the strangest piece of mail I have ever received, by several 
orders of magnitude.  I reprint it here solely for entertainment purposes.]

From:  Somewhere
Subject:  I haven't a clue, really

On January 15, 2003, I was banking on-line at Lee bank in Lee, 
Massachusetts.  Zone Alarm informed me on the computer (mostly 
everything I have is documented) that a "would be hacker" was trying to 
penetrate my account.  I wrote down the port numbers, called the bank, 
and was told by a very young secretary that I would have to come in and 
change my password.  The Lee Bank of course later denied it, wanting to 
pretend that our systems are all secure.  I thought "oh, they are just 
changing their systems -- I'll call back in 15 minutes.  I was told to 
come in and change my password.  The bank of course, later denied 
it.  The portal numbers were the same as the one I would run into later.

Fifteen minutes later I was back to my on-line computer and there was 
my ex-husband's (and now wife's) yellow e-mail staring me in the 
face.  He was mailing things back to himself as he had done over the 
years.  He had all sorts of "spy ware" installed on the first computer 
in our house.  When we outgrew our, "Windows 95," I decided to get Jake 
a new computer.  (I have 2 children, Jake and Hallie, and had remarried 
in 2000.)  The new Compaq was bought in 1999.  I don't know how long he 
had been e-mailing things back to himself.  What came through when I 
pressed file, was our daughter's picture.  Then, I pressed source & 
view and print.  Pages started printing out -- So many that I ran out 
of paper.  I showed these to a computer forensic person in Boston.  He 
said that the program might show that they were laundering money, 
running pornography or Chuck could have been stealing money from George 
Gilder's bank account.  George Gilder is the man responsible for 
predicting the stocks on the Gilder Technology report.

Please forgive this very unprofessional letter.  My house was broken 
into night after night.  My jewelry was all changed with copper wire 
and numbered.  Everything I touched looked like a little disk to hold 
information on it and it was covered in microchips in silver and copper.

No one believed me.  I had recently started taking medications for 
ADD.  That made my second husband furious.  Little did I know that he 
may have been involved in what I believe to be cryptography?  I found a 
bag that the FBI will test for substances.  I woke up groggy.  I was 
followed by the same car day in and day out.  They wanted to know when 
they could use my house.  A private investigator from New York is 
coming tonight.  The FBI will come tomorrow.  I had a bag from New 
Mexico that I looked up on the internet.  I was not allowed to use the 
computer when I wouldn't do my ex-husband's program.  My calls were 
intercepted.  We thought we had Verizon DSL.  My computer was 
controlled by my ex-husband Edward Charles Frank.  I had read in his 
notes of his running the v2ks.  When I would wake up in the morning, 
floppy disks would be at my bedside, I was to run them and I am not a 
computer forensic person but I knew they weren't bible verses.

Now comes the hard part.  My house was broken into at least a dozen 
times.  Watches, purses, coats, and my own belief in myself disappeared 
and reappeared on a daily basis.

The Lee Police never visited my house one time.  They, in fact, called 
in mental health -- one of the most humiliating experiences I have ever 
endured.  The social worker said that my problems seemed to be called 
externally, the state police threw me out and I know how to ask calm 
and mannerly, as I am an opera singer.  I stopped singing.  They had 
already (I assume) been told that I was crazy, or maybe they were paid 
off.  I just couldn't believe the treatment I received.  When I called 
to tell them my purse was stolen out of my house in the night, I heard 
"Oh, you'll have to wait to talk to officer Buffis, he's handling 
this."  For weeks the same cars followed me like hornets.  Something on 
me told them my location.  They had keys to my house and my cars.  I 
had my locks changed.  That night, even my bedroom lock and chain were 

I heard a tape of my present husband testing the mikes and I also found 
a tape of myself in every room of the house, speaking distinctly.

There is much more to the story and much more to be solved.  I believe 
I am entitled to some compensation for the mental abuse and suffering I 
went through.  3 computers are at Kroll.  Will you work with me?  I 
started taking down license plates (about 7 or 8).  Just this 
afternoon, all of the cars appeared across the street and seemed very 
angry.  I have a lot of evidence, even the bag they used to drug my 

I noticed a HUGE Verizon truck across the street at the 
way-station.  Funny right, now we have no service at all.

[This letter arrived in a box, approximately 10 inches on a side, 
filled with a pile of CD-ROMs, pens, costume jewelry, bits of metal, a 
fishing lure, and assorted other garbage all individually wrapped and 
secured with tape.  Thankfully, the box was sent not to my home or 
business address, but to a mail drop I maintain.  It might be a hoax, 
but the writing seems too authentic.  It's hard to fake delusional 
paranoia that well.]

** *** ***** ******* *********** *************

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CRYPTO-GRAM is written by Bruce Schneier.  Schneier is founder and CTO 
of Counterpane Internet Security Inc., the author of "Secrets and Lies" 
and "Applied Cryptography," and an inventor of the Blowfish, Twofish, 
and Yarrow algorithms.  He is a member of the Advisory Board of the 
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC).  He is a frequent writer 
and lecturer on computer security and cryptography.

Counterpane Internet Security, Inc. is the world leader in Managed 
Security Monitoring.  Counterpane's expert security analysts protect 
networks for Fortune 1000 companies world-wide.


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