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Why Are So Many Political Parties Blowing Up? (Part 1)

From: "Dave Farber" <farber () gmail com>
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2018 09:22:58 +0900

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From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne () warpspeed com>
Date: July 1, 2018 at 00:22:09 GMT+9
To: Multiple recipients of Dewayne-Net <dewayne-net () warpspeed com>
Subject: [Dewayne-Net] Why Are So Many Political Parties Blowing Up? (Part 1)
Reply-To: dewayne-net () warpspeed com

Why Are So Many Political Parties Blowing Up? (Part 1)
By Thomas L. Friedman
Jun 26 2018’

If you haven’t already noticed, let me be the first on your block to point it out: The big mainstream political 
parties across the industrialized world are all blowing up at once. It’s quite extraordinary.

The U.S. Republican Party has blown up in all but name, going overnight from an internationalist, free-trade, 
deficit-hawk party to a protectionist, anti-immigrant, deficit-dove party — all to accommodate the instincts of 
Donald Trump and his base.

As the former House Speaker John Boehner noted: “There is no Republican Party. There’s a Trump party. The Republican 
Party is kind of taking a nap somewhere.” Actually, it’s dead, but it’s not alone in the cemetery.

Italy’s last election ended with its mainstream center-left getting crushed, bringing to power instead a coalition of 
far-left, far-right populists, whose focus ranges from guaranteeing minimum income for Italy’s 11 percent unemployed 
to rebuffing immigrants and the European Union.

Britain’s Labour Party has gone from center-left to quasi-Marxist. And the Brexit-loving Tories, having pushed 
Britain to exit the E.U. without any plan, are now divided and paralyzed over how to implement the economic suicide 
they’ve promised voters.

The U.S. Democrats are fractured between a Bernie Sanders quasi-socialist wing and a center-left wing, but are glued 
together for now — thank goodness — by the overriding need to defeat Trump. German Chancellor Angela Merkel took four 
months to form a barely coherent governing coalition, after her ruling party got hammered in the last election — and 
that fragile coalition may soon implode over immigration tensions. And French President Emmanuel Macron leads a 
centrist party that did not exist three years ago.

As Quartz noted, the French Socialist Party “went from running the country to receiving just 6 percent of the vote in 
the first round of presidential elections last year.” In the Netherlands, the Labor Party has been decimated, going 
from 25 percent of the vote in 2012, and governing in a coalition, to just 6 percent in last year’s general election.

What’s going on? My short answer: climate change — but not just the one you think. We’re actually going through three 
climate changes at once, and together they are reshaping the ecosystems of work, learning, geopolitics, ethics and 
community in ways that parties built on our old left-right binary choices can no longer easily contain.

How so? We’re going through a change in the climate of the climate: We’re going from later to now. When I was growing 
up in Minnesota, later was when I could clean that lake, save that forest or rescue that endangered owl. Today later 
is officially over. Later will now be too late, so whatever you’re going to save, save it now. That’s a climate 

We’re going through a change in the climate of globalization: We’re going from an interconnected world to an 
interdependent world. In an interdependent world your friends can kill you faster than your enemies. If banks in 
Greece or Italy — both NATO allies — go under tonight, your retirement fund will feel it. And in an interdependent 
world, your rivals falling becomes more dangerous than your rivals rising. If China takes six more islands in the 
South China Sea tonight, you won’t lose sleep; if China loses 6 percent growth tonight, you could lose your job.

Lastly, we’re going through a change in the climate of technology. Machines are acquiring most of the unique 
attributes of humans — particularly the ability to learn, analyze, reason, maneuver and drive on their own.

From 1960 to 2000, Quartz reported, U.S. manufacturing employment stayed roughly steady at around 17.5 million jobs. 
But between 2000 and 2010, thanks largely to digitization and automation, “manufacturing employment plummeted by more 
than a third,” which was “worse than any decade in U.S. manufacturing history.” And we’ve digitized only about 20 
percent of the economy, meaning there’s tremendous technological climate change yet ahead.

These climate changes are reshaping the ecosystem of work — wiping out huge numbers of middle-skilled jobs — and this 
is reshaping the ecosystem of learning, making lifelong learning the new baseline for advancement.

These three climate changes are also reshaping geopolitics. They are like a hurricane that is blowing apart weak 
nations that were O.K. in the Cold War — when superpowers would shower them with foreign aid and arms, when China 
could not compete with them for low-skilled work and when climate change, deforestation and population explosions had 
not wiped out vast amounts of their small-scale agriculture.


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