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REPEAT -- even more relevant now -- Dear Mr. President: Let's talk tech

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 04:10:32 -0500

Dear Mr. President: Let's talk tech
Top IT luminaries demand action from the next administration
By Gary Anthes

October 21, 2008 (Computerworld) Science and technology may not have been the focus of the recent debates between presidential hopefuls John McCain and Barack Obama, but both candidates have outlined some broad policy proposals and goals. That's a good thing, because, as some of the top technology thinkers in the United States today recently shared with Computeworld, the next president will have to tackle the country's ongoing decline in global technological competitiveness.

Obama says he'll "change the posture of our federal government from being one of the most anti-science administrations in American history to one that embraces science and technology." He has promised to double federal funding of basic research over 10 years, to appoint the nation's first chief technology officer, to make the R&D tax credit for corporations permanent and to "restore the basic principle that government decisions should be based on the best-available, scientifically valid evidence and not on the ideological predispositions of agency officials or political appointees."

McCain has not said directly what he might do about the level of federal spending on research, but he has said he favors technology- friendly policies aimed at the private sector through "broad pools of capital, low taxes and incentives for research in America...and streamlining burdensome regulations." He says he'd make the R&D tax credit permanent and set it equal to 10% of the wages a company pays its R&D workers, and he says he'd allow companies to write off the cost of new technology and equipment in the first year.

Both candidates have outlined educational reforms that they say will make the U.S. more competitive in science and technology.

Computerworld recently asked nine high-tech luminaries to offer their advice to the next U.S. president. Their answers appear below. They represent the views of the individuals and not necessarily those of their employers.

Advice by:

Henry Chesbrough

Judy Estrin

Vint Cerf

Dave Farber

Bob Kahn

Len Kleinrock

Ed Lazowska

Rick Rashid

Victor Zue

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